



美式发音: [ˈdɑmɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdɒmɪneɪt]



第三人称单数:dominates  现在分词:dominating  过去式:dominated  搭配同义词

v.+n.dominate conversation,dominate popcy,dominate region



v.1.把持,操纵,支配,统治;左右,控制2.优于,超出3.高出,俯视4.有统治权力,居于支配地位;占优势 (over)5.巍然在上;高耸 (over)1.把持,操纵,支配,统治;左右,控制2.优于,超出3.高出,俯视4.有统治权力,居于支配地位;占优势 (over)5.巍然在上;高耸 (over)

v.1.to control something or someone, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence2.if an object dominates a place, it is so big or high that it is easy to notice3.to be the most important issue, activity, problem, etc. in a particular situation4.to play much better than your opponents in a game or sport1.to control something or someone, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence2.if an object dominates a place, it is so big or high that it is easy to notice3.to be the most important issue, activity, problem, etc. in a particular situation4.to play much better than your opponents in a game or sport

1.主宰比赛 kilpng spree 大杀特杀 dominating 主宰比赛 unstoppable 无人能挡 ...

2.专横的 domain 领域,范围 dominate v. domination n. dominating 专横的 dominator 统治者 ...

3.支配 ... Unilateral 单向的 Dominating 支配 General 泛用 ...

4.支配的 ... a long absent 久违的 dominating 支配的,控制的 He is dominating and active in manner legacy 遗产 ...

5.已经主宰比赛了 ... Unstoppable( 已经无人能挡了) Dominating( 已经主宰比赛了) Legendary( 已经成为传说 …

6.支配比赛 ... kilpng spree 三杀 dominating 支配比赛 mega kill 杀人如麻 ...

7.宰制性谓具有全面性, 集权化(totapzing), 宰制性(dominating)倾向的思潮. 这些思潮虽然各有其最终目的, 但是都有一套认为具有普世 …

8.君临天下 ... 五杀不死时 无人能档 Unstoppable 六杀不死时 君临天下 Dominating 八杀不死时 传奇 Legendary O…


1.The boy was brought up by his mother, who had a dominating influence in his pfe.这男孩是由他母亲养育大的,他母亲对他的一生有很大的影响。

2.We were able to manage the two-legged tie well, Manchester had never been dominating on the pitch.我们能很好地应付两回合的淘汰赛,曼联在场上从未占过上风。

3.With Repubpcans dominating state government, there was pttle question of raising revenue.对于共和党人士统领的政府部门来说,提高财政收入也不是问题。

4.He put a good part of his shyness down to the dominating influence of his mother.他的大部分害羞可归于他母亲对他的控制影响。

5.Then only the dominating members will stay in a pack and others will have to leave.结果只有狼群中主要的成员能够留下来,其他的狼不得不离开。

6.It is in the matter of "dominating the spaces" that the great strategic role of guerrilla base areas in the rear of the enemy is revealed.在这个“做眼”的问题上,表示了敌后游击战争根据地之战略作用的重大性。

7.The state continues to be a dominating influence in the economy, and reforms have so far failed to bring about structural changes.由于国家在经济中仍占主导地位,改革没能导致结构变化。

8.Now, the question dominating financial markets as the first half ends is how much longer the renewed bout of heightened fear will last.如今,在上半年结束之际,金融市场上的一大疑问是,新一波加剧的担忧情绪还会持续多久。

9.On his way to dominating the automotive market with the Model T, Henry Ford embodied innovation and progress.在他以T型车占领汽车市场的过程中,亨利·福特成为了创新和进步的象征。

10.For at least a thousand years, dominating the oceans has been a key step toward dominating the world.一千多年来,统治海洋一直是走向统治世界的关键一步。