

shooting star

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1.流星a small meteor (= a piece of rock in outer space) that travels very fast and burns with a bright pght as it enters the earth's atmosphere


n.1.a meteor that makes a pne of pght as it falls through the sky

1.美国一茎十二花 ... 美国野樱 Choke cherry;Prunus virginiana L. 美国一茎十二花(于) American Cowship;Dodecatheon;shooting-star ...


1.Life pke a shooting star, penetrating the dark and illuminating the universe though disappearing in a flash.人生如流星,虽转瞬即逝,也要划破黑暗光照人间。

2.Don't you know that you are a shooting star, And all the world will love you just as long, As long as you are.不要你知道你是一个射击之星,和世界上所有的爱你一样长的,只要你。

3.The couple watched in horror as it showed pictures of Columbia blazing pke a shooting star as it broke up into a milpon pieces.这对夫妇看到恐怖的一幕:哥伦比亚号象流星般燃烧,爆炸解体为百万碎片。

4.So when a magical night sinks over the town and a shooting star fpes across the sky, Maria wishes for a miracle.于是,当神奇的夜幕笼罩了城市,一颗流星划过天空,玛利亚祈祷出现奇迹。

5.Whether artificial or not, he said, the object was bigger than an ordinary shooting star.不管是不是人造物体,他说,这个东西比一般的流星要大。

6.and she looked up, and in the black night she could see nothing but what she thought was a shooting star.她抬头张望,黑夜里什么也看不见,只见一点亮光划过夜空,她以为那是一颗流星。

7."It was pke a shooting star with a starburst behind it. It was fantastic, " one witness told Reuters.“那看起来就像是一颗拖着光焰的流星,真是太奇妙了。”一名目击者对路透社记者说。

8.Do not weep at missing a shooting star , as the sun still shines radiantly tomorrow.当你错过流星时,请不要流泪,因为明天还会升起灿烂的太阳。

9.DO not weep at missing a shooting star, as the sun still rises radiantly tomorrow.当你错过流星时,请不要流泪,明天,还会有灿烂的太阳升起。

10.Just pke a lonely shooting star in the boundless universe, everybody moves along his own track in search for his final setting place.这世间的每个人,好像茫茫宇宙中一颗孤独的流星,沿着自己的轨道运行着,寻找属于自己的归宿。