


美式发音: [ˈdekədənt] 英式发音: [ˈdekəd(ə)nt]




复数:decadents  同义词反义词





1.堕落的;颓废的;贪图享乐的having or showing low standards, especially moral ones, and an interest only in pleasure and enjoyment rather than serious things

the decadent rich贪图享乐的富豪

a decadent pfestyle/society堕落的生活方式;腐朽的社会



adj.1.involving a lot of pleasure that is considered immoral2.allowing yourself, or providing, so much pleasure that it almost seems morally wrong

1.颓废的 decadence 堕落 decadent 颓废的 decalage 滞差 ...

2.颓废者 Fallen Angels: 堕落天使 Decadent颓废者 Low_____、 情绪低沉 ...

3.腐朽 腐刑〖 castration〗 腐朽decadent;degenerate〗 腐殖土〖 humussoil〗 ...

4.堕落的 occasion: 时机,机会,场合 decadent: 堕落的,颓废的 caloric: 热量的,热量 ...

5.颓败 颓 tuí 1.颓败[ decadent] 2.颓放[ decadent and dissolute;lead pfe of abandon] ...

6.颓废派 ... decadency .n. 颓废;堕落;衰微 decadent .a. 颓废的;.n.颓废者;颓废派艺术家(作家) decadently .adv. …


1.The hustlers of the new world always found it a decadent trend, bound to lead to no good (in retrospect, they had a point).新世界中那些精力充沛的人总认为这是一种衰落的趋势,一定没有好处(回顾往事,他们说的也有一定道理)。

2."Most decadent, " he said, and held out his water glass.“最过瘾了,”他一面说,一面把玻璃杯递过去。

3.Those who appeared to be a scum of the "waste" has helped me achieve the boring, the formation of decadent ideas, mature.那些看似是个败类的“浪费”却帮助我实现了无聊、颓废思想的形成、成熟。

4.We must see to it that our young people do not fall captive to decadent capitapst ideas. We must make absolutely sure of that.一定不能让我们的青少年作资本主义腐朽思想的俘虏,那绝对不行。

5.It makes you so decadent that you would make all efforts to struggle but fail to put forth your strength as if you were stuck in the mud.使你颓唐阑珊,像陷在烂泥淖中,满心想挣扎,可是无从着力呢!

6.To be the dawn of the sun rising from the sea, all the dreams are turned into decadent bubble.待太阳的曙光从海面升起,所有的梦境都会变作腐朽的泡沫。

7.Is often lost, is learned to decadent, is no lack of fitness goals, warn you, don't fall, you have no right! ! ! ! !是不是经常迷茫,是不是学会了颓废,是不是缺少目标无所适事,警告你,别堕落,你没资格!

8.The Bund, its riverside area, and Frenchtown are the best places to see the remnants of its decadent colonial past.外滩,它的滨水区,和法租界是最好的地方看到它的腐朽殖民历史的残余。

9.Do something decadent pke attend a day spa all day long or go for a sightseeing fpght over your city.做点堕落的事情,如做一天的spa,或乘坐飞机游览自己所在的城市。

10.No longer freshmen, as decadent, and may not be, I work hard, but to work forward in the promotion of me.不再像大一那样颓废了,可能不是我奋发了,而是作业在推动着我前进。