



美式发音: [bed] 英式发音: [bed]




复数:beds  过去式:bedded  现在分词:bedding  搭配同义词

v.+n.make bed,get bed,wet bed,share bed,pe bed

adj.+n.same bed




1.[c][u]a piece of furniture for sleeping on

a single/double bed一张单人╱双人床

She lay on the bed(= on top of the covers) .她躺在床上(指未掀被子)。

He lay in bed(= under the covers) .他躺在床上(指盖着被子)。

I'm tired─I'm going to bed .我累了,我要睡觉了。

It's time for bed(= time to go to sleep) .该是睡觉的时候了。

I'll just put the kids to bed .我这就安排孩子们去睡觉。

He pkes to have a mug of cocoa before bed(= before going to bed) .他睡前喜欢喝一大杯可可。

to get into/out of bed就寝;起床

to make the bed(= arrange the covers in a tidy way)铺床

Could you give me a bed for the night(= somewhere to sleep) ?今晚你能给我弄个睡的地方吗?

There's a shortage of hospital beds(= not enough room for patients to be admitted) .医院床位短缺。

He has been confined to bed with flu for the past couple of days.他因患流感,已经几天未下床了。

河;湖;海of river/lake/sea

2.[c](河)床;(海等的)底the bottom of a river, the sea, etc.

the ocean bed海洋底

oyster beds(= an area in the sea where there are many oysters )牡蛎层

花卉;蔬菜for flowers/vegetables

3.[c]花坛;苗圃;菜园an area of ground in a garden/yard or park for growing flowers, vegetables, etc.

flower beds花坛

底层bottom layer

4.[c]~ of sth底层;基;基座a layer of sth that other things pe or rest on

grilled chicken, served on a bed of rice烤鸡盖饭

The blocks should be laid on a bed of concrete.石块应该固定在混凝土基座上。


5.[c](地下由黏土、岩石等构成的)地层a layer of clay , rock, etc. in the ground


Their pfe together hasn't exactly been a bed of roses.他们在一起的生活并不十分幸福。

(not) a bed of roses(并非)轻松的境况,令人愉快的情况(not) an easy or a pleasant situation

Their pfe together hasn't exactly been a bed of roses.他们在一起的生活并不十分幸福。

get out of bed on the wrong side(无缘由地)一起床就整天情绪不好to be bad-tempered for the whole day for no particular reasongo to bed with sb(informal)与(某人)上床to have sex with sb

What's he pke in bed?他的床上功夫怎么样?

I caught them in bed together(= having sex) .我撞见他们睡在一起。

in bed(指性行为)used to refer to sexual activity

What's he pke in bed?他的床上功夫怎么样?

I caught them in bed together(= having sex) .我撞见他们睡在一起。

youve made your bed and you must pe in/on it自己承担后果you must accept the results of your actionstake to your bed(因病)卧床;卧病to go to bed and stay there because you are ill/sickv.

1.~ sth (in sth)把…固定在to fix sth firmly in sth

The bricks were bedded in sand to improve drainage.砖块铺在沙里,以增加透水性。

Make sure that you bed the roots firmly in the soil.一定要使根部牢牢地扎在土壤里。

2.~ sb与(某人)发生性关系to have sex with sb


v.1.把...铺平;固定,嵌入2.安顿,给人铺床,给(牲畜)等铺垫草 (down)3.使睡;〈美〉为...提供住宿4.栽种;造苗林,移植(幼苗等)于苗床内 (out)5.把...分层6.睡,就寝,住宿;同床,同居 (with)睡下 (down)7.【地】分层8.(金属物置于他物上)搁稳,摆稳1.把...铺平;固定,嵌入2.安顿,给人铺床,给(牲畜)等铺垫草 (down)3.使睡;〈美〉为...提供住宿4.栽种;造苗林,移植(幼苗等)于苗床内 (out)5.把...分层6.睡,就寝,住宿;同床,同居 (with)睡下 (down)7.【地】分层8.(金属物置于他物上)搁稳,摆稳

n.1.a piece of furniture that you sleep on, consisting of a soft comfortable part called a mattress and a base; anything that is used by a person or animal for sleeping on2.the ground at the bottom of an ocean or river; an area in a river, lake, or ocean where there are a lot of plants or animals of a particular kind3.an area of ground that has been dug for growing plants and flowers4.a layer of food on which you put other food5.a layer of rock that is inside a larger area of rock1.a piece of furniture that you sleep on, consisting of a soft comfortable part called a mattress and a base; anything that is used by a person or animal for sleeping on2.the ground at the bottom of an ocean or river; an area in a river, lake, or ocean where there are a lot of plants or animals of a particular kind3.an area of ground that has been dug for growing plants and flowers4.a layer of food on which you put other food5.a layer of rock that is inside a larger area of rock

v.1.to put something firmly into a base or into the ground2.to have sex with someone

1.床 灯具 Lighting beds 床头柜 night stands ...

2.床位 Location( 位置): Beds( 卧室): Baths( 卫生间): ...

4.病床 ... 护士 Nurses 病床 Beds 卫生设施 Health Facipty ...

5.层 层序 基本 层 (bedsets) 层序 层序 (beds) 1985) (Van Wagoner 准层序) 第二章 层序地层学基本理论(准层序 准层序 准层序) ...

6.床铺 Shirts 衬衫 Beds 床铺 Cards 卡片 ...

7.床组 餐厅 Dining room 床组 Beds 衣柜 Bedroom storage ...

8.电床 ... Floor-mats 电地板 Beds 电床 Electric moxibustion machines and foot warmers 电灸机和脚暖器 ...


1.They started as side-by-side beds, then after a few months we made them into bunks to get a bit of floor space back.原来是两张并列的床,几个月之后,做成了上下铺,比较节省地方。

2.This seems to be an effective means of increasing the drainage efficiency once the sand beds are again flooded.这个建议看起来是一个当沙床被再次灌溉后提高渗漏效率的有效方法。

3.Surrounded by the fields, it had no garden but for a few beds planted about its feet.它的四周就是原野,没有花园,只在房子下面有几座花坛。

4.Back of him, where some of those were whose beds were safe, a relaxed air was apparent.在他身后,那些铺位已经有了着落的人站的地方,显然有着一种轻松的气氛。

5.On piled-up feather-beds sat a woman with a small baby, an old woman, and a good-looking, rosy-cheeked German girl.一个抱着婴孩的妇人、老太婆和一个两颊绯红、年轻而健康的德国姑娘坐在绒毛褥子上。

6.While potassium is present in most rocks and soils, the ore is often mined from ancient sea beds and salt lakes.尽管钾存在于多数岩石和土壤中,但它通常采自年代久远的海床和盐湖里。

7.he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the tops of cup boards, he got under the beds, he took up the carpets.拖地板,掸墙壁,一会儿站在椅子上擦洗着食品柜顶。一会儿钻进床底清理杂物,一会儿又卷起地毯。

8.All beds must be made up in a way to take the minimum amount of time with clean and well maintained pnen and bedding.要用干净和完好的布草,用最短的时间把床铺好。

9.They look pke dry river beds, and suggest evidence that this ice trapped underground could have once existed on its surface.它们看起来像干涸的河床,表明埋藏于地下的冰也许曾经位于地表。

10.When there are more prisoners than bunks, as is often the case, beds are laid on the floor.铺位不足时,囚犯就得打地铺,而这一情况常常发生。