




1.四类居住用地 ... 讲课12 L12 复习课4 R4 复习 Recitation ...

5.第四年的资深住院医师 ... 测验2: 随堂小考 Q2:In-Class Quiz 复习4: 专题资讯 R4:Project Information Session ...

7.实习课4 ... 课程6 L6 实习课4 R4 课程7 L7 ...


1.If it was heart-ache, she administered love and understanding and lots of interesting things r4 to do, and soon the sun came out again.如果是心痛,她会给予爱和理解,并做很多有趣的事让他忘记痛苦,重新展露笑颜。

2.I learned to make the r4 bed I slept in, and wash the glass I used, and mend what I broke, and mop up where I spilled.我学会了睡觉前自己铺床,洗自己用过的杯子,修补自己弄坏的东西,用拖布拖干自己溅到地上的水。

3.He allowed the father r4 to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲情,最终宣布儿子有罪。

4.For R4 we haven't added many new tools, instead we have took a strong approach to ensuring the GnackTrackR4 is the most stable version yet.我们并没有给R4带来太多的新工具,相反花了很大力气来保证它是一个稳定的版本。

5.The main missing piece for R4 comppance is the support for bundle fragments which will be worked in the next release.按照R4规范要求,目前主要缺少的一块是支持bundlefragment,这将在下一个版本中完成。

6.This revised system was an improvement over the R4. x design, primarily because it performed faster.这个修订的系统相对于R4.x设计是一个改进,主要因为它执行得更快了。

7.If you had noticed delays in updating failed servers in your R4. x environment, this should no longer be an issue.如果您发现在R4.x环境中更新失败服务器出现延迟,那么不用担心以后会出现这种问题。

8.This article introduces you to clusters, and then looks at our performance tests of R4. 6 clusters.本文首先介绍集群,然后再查看在R4.6集群上进行的性能测试。

9.The first article introduces you to clusters, and then looks at our performance tests of R4. 6 clusters.本系列的第一篇文章向您介绍了集群,然后查看了在R4.6集群上进行的性能测试。

10.Second, a brief introduction on the principle of Softswitch, gives all IP network solutions in CS domain of R4 core network.其次,简要讲解了软交换的原理,给出R4核心网CS域的全IP网络解决方案。