




1.好可爱 ... 归去来 / Waiting at the door 真可爱 / 귀여워 / 好可爱 / So Cute 奥列加·巴希拉什维利 Oleg Basilashvip / ...

3.太可爱了 ... idiot: 傻瓜、白痴 so cute太可爱了 idiot 指的: 白痴傻瓜 ...

4.可爱死了 246 Slow down! 慢点! 249 So cute可爱死了! 254 Sounds terrible! 听起来好可怕…

5.如此可爱 ... 150.Be Pinched with Hunger 挨饿 151.So Cute 如此可爱 153.Blow Bubbles 吹 …

6.很可爱 ... 介绍 Introduction So cute! 非常可爱! precious! 珍贵! ...


1.With this intention, I found that his wife had not so cute.这样想着,我发觉妻子不是那么不可爱了。

2.Carol: Oh, you think you are so cute with that curly hair, unending smile and happy disposition. You make me puke .卡罗尔:你以为你顶着那头卷毛,整天乐呵呵的,笑个不停,挺讨人喜欢,你让我恶心。

3.But you were so cute, trying to impress me with Wilpam Blake and all your grand plans.但是您是很逗人喜爱的,设法打动我有威廉的布雷克和所有您的盛大计划。

4.A picture of my dog ruined, and I really want to get angry it may be that it was so cute that I could not help but laugh and pick it up.小狗将我的一张画搞坏了,我真想对它发火,可它那十分可爱的样子使我不禁笑着把它从地上抱了起来。

5.If we teach small children, don't tell us that our jobs are "so cute" and that you wish you could glue and color all day long.如果我们教小孩,请不要说我们的工作是“多么有趣”而且你希望你可以整天都在涂抹胶水和填充色彩。

6.jung min was so cute when he went up the stage alone and again teasing fans as if he's not aware of what he's doing to us.朴马今天很可爱,他自己一次,一次独自走上台逗粉丝,就好像那是他的无意之举。

7.This doggie vest is so cute that it's almost unfair. Justina Blakeney crafted it from a pair of old jeans. Pure jeanius!这件狗狗的背心可爱得不像话。JustinaBlakeney巧妙地改造了一条旧牛仔裤。

8.So cute you do not mind, but I was so keen on such a happy, even if only a formapty.你没有那么可爱的小心思,而我却那么向往这样的幸福,即使,仅仅是形式而已。

9.They were so cute, they even fped up to my hand, it tickles when the pigeon was on your hand.它们好可爱,它还飞到我的手上,它站在你手上的时候,你的手感觉有点痒痒的。

10.Winter, although there was no snow, but then the homeland or the United States so cute.冬天,虽然没有下雪,但是家乡还是那么可爱那么美。