





1.托尼奖tre),参加在这里举行的戏剧界的盛会――1995年度托尼奖Tony Awards)揭幕仪式。

6.大奖托尼奖Circle Awards)最佳编剧奖,1998年托尼戏剧奖Tony Awards)最佳编剧奖(该奖第一次由一个非英语剧作家捧得)。

8.托尼奬获得2006年托尼奬Tony Awards)的舞台设计师大卫•卡罗(音)把影像和实物巧妙地布置,实现了“余韵的美学”。一边角落 …


1.Turkey holds parpamentary elections. The Tony Awards are doled out in New York.土耳其举行议会大选,纽约将颁发托尼奖。

2.That same year, Taymor herself won two Tony Awards: one for best costume design and one for best direction of a musical.同年,泰莫本人还赢得两项托尼奖:即最佳服装设计奖和最佳音乐剧导演奖。

3.It really stands a good chance of winning a fistful of Tony Awards in a few months.绝对有实力在几个月后的托尼奖【3】评选中成为大赢家。

4.The Tony Awards, named in honor of Antoinette Perry, has been one of the theatre's most coveted awards.托尼奖是为纪念安托瓦内特·佩里而命名的,是舞台艺术中最令人瞩目的奖项之一。

5.New York salutes the best of theatre with the Tony Awards.纽约,托尼奖颁给最佳戏剧。

6.Following first events in the New York art scene, Paul soon was aiming at having celebrities wear the Red Ribbon at the Tony Awards.继纽约艺坛的第一次活动,在托尼奖上,保罗很快就把让名人在翻领上戴上红丝带作为目标。

7.Last week, we reported on the Tony Awards, the top honors for Broadway Theater productions.上周,我们报道了托尼奖,为百老汇剧院制作的最高荣誉。

8.He won two Tony Awards nominations and has directed Andrew Lloyd Webber's Beautiful Game in Tokyo.他还在东京导演了安德鲁“劳埃德”韦伯的《美丽游戏》。

9.Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones performs at the American Theatre Wing's 64th annual Tony Awards ceremony in New York, June 13, 2010.女演员凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯在美国剧院演出部的第64届托尼奖每年在纽约,2010年6月13日仪式。

10.Since then, the League and the Wing have jointly presented the Tony Awards, and they have been televised nationally every spring.此后,美国剧院和制作人联盟与美国剧院之翼一直共同主办托尼奖,并于每年春季在全国播出。