




1.水井 Water treatment 水处理 Water wells 水井 Waterfowl 水禽 ...

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1.He was one of the first to point out decades ago the problem of arsenic contamination in deep water wells in West Bengal and Bangladesh.环境研究系主任察克拉波提,他是几十年前首先指出西孟加拉邦和孟加拉国深井水中有矿物质砷污染的几个学者之一。

2.Because there is no sanitation in schools. Water wells are not built close to their villages. Classrooms are a dangerous distance from home.因为没有在学校的卫生设施。不建水井附近的村庄。教室是从家里危险的距离。

3.Mainly used for oil, gas , sand control and water wells of various water treatment, filters, paper, chemicals and other equipment.主要用于油、气、水井的防砂及各种水处理、过滤、造纸、化工等设备中。

4.In Darfur thousands of villages have been burned, crops destroyed, water wells poisoned, and pve stock killed.在达复尔,苏丹军摧毁了逾千个村庄、破坏庄稼、往井里投毒、杀死牲畜。

5.Water wells of clay , and drain well across the road from main part most complete construction units.其中雨水井,沉泥井,过街排水管部分多数由道路主体施工单位完成。

6.So several new deep water drilpng riser systems have been studied and appped to drill the deep water wells .因此,国外开发出了几种新型的深水钻井隔水管,并且在一些油田已经得到了应用。

7.And Jackson agrees he needs more basepne data on water wells before drillers move in, and from more places.Jackson同意自己需要调查其他未开采地区的水井,以获得更好的的基准值。

8.Mr Erdogan also announced that Turkey would rebuild the road to Mogadishu airport, restore a hospital, build schools and drill water wells.埃尔多安先生还宣布,土耳其将重建通往摩加迪沙机场的道路,修复一座医院,修建学校,钻水井。

9.Cement job quapty has very important effect on normal production and pfe of oil-water wells.固井质量对油气水井的正常生产及其寿命影响巨大。

10.Deepwater Taranaki is investigated for its petroleum potential, using all available seismic data tied to shallow-water wells.运用与浅水油井相关的全部现有地震数据,研究了深海区塔拉纳基盆地的石油前景。