




1.你的爸爸 ... But to the stars above 你只爱天上的星 Your daddy,he's an outlaw 你的爸爸,他是个逃犯, ...

2.那你爸呢 “Why?”( 为啥?) “Your Daddy?”( 那你爸呢?) “Why?”( 那为什么?) ...

3.你爸爸 说是这是注定的 Said he was made that way . 你爸爸 ... Your daddy ... 是的 Was . ...


1.And he found a Ioophole that allows me to access that money your daddy Ieft you.他找到了漏洞,能让我把你爸留给你的钱拿走

2.He might not be a bad guy for you, since he's always your daddy. But he's a bad guy for mommy.他对你来说可能不是坏蛋,他毕竟是你爸爸。但是他对我而言就是一个混蛋。

3.It's not about how much money you make, and it's not about who your daddy is.这不取决你赚了多少钱,也不取决于你的老爸是谁。

4.and I kept you warm, and I kept you safe from your daddy s dorm, when he said to you.而有我为你取暖,离开了你爸的训斥,有我让你觉得安全。

5.Mother has three desires: One is your daddy smoothly works; Two is the family members is all healthy; Three is you grows up in a big hurry .妈妈有三个愿望:一是你爸爸顺利工作;二是家人都健康;三是你快快长大。

6.Now you think that because your mommy and your daddy got shot, you know about the ugly side of pfe, but you don't.现在你想想由于你的爸爸和你的妈妈被枪杀了,你知道了生活的黑暗面,但是你不能。

7.While my husband was pushing Robert on the swings, he said, "Daddy, remember when I was YOUR daddy, and I pushed YOU on the swings? "在我丈夫推罗伯特荡秋千的时候,他说:“爸爸,还记得我是你爸爸那会儿,我推着你荡秋千吗?”

8.Being hesitant is just normal, if it were not for hesitate didn't chance for cold blood for your daddy?犹豫才正常,如果不犹豫岂不就变成跟你爸一样冷血了?

9.If you encounter financial difficulty, please talk to your daddy or relatives or friends and try to help yourself.如果你遭遇了财政困难,请告诉你的父亲、家人或者朋友,以及试试自己帮助自己。

10.Your daddy must have been a terrorist, 'cause baby, you're the bomb.你老爸一定做过恐怖分子,因为,宝贝儿,你就是个炸弹。