


美式发音: [əˈbæk] 英式发音: [ə'bæk]





She was completely taken aback by his anger.他的愤怒把她吓了一大跳。

be taken aback (by sb/sth)被(…)吓了一跳;大吃一惊;震惊to be shocked or surprised by sb/sth

She was completely taken aback by his anger.他的愤怒把她吓了一大跳。


adv.1.with the wind blowing against the forward part of a sail or sails, so that a vessel cannot move ahead2.backward or toward the back3.in the past

1.向后 afire 在燃烧中 aback 向后 aloud 高声地 ...

2.逆帆 储蓄器 2)蓄压器 3)蓄电池 accumulator 55 向后,逆帆,逆风 aback 4 舷向,正横方向 abeam …

3.使船后退 aback 向后 aback 向后;使船后退;逆帆 abacus 连板 ...

4.逆风 储蓄器 2)蓄压器 3)蓄电池 accumulator 55 向后,逆帆,逆风 aback 4 舷向,正横方向 abeam …

5.向后地 abacist 用算盘者 aback 向后地 abacterial 非细菌性的 ...

6.猝不及防地 black 黑色 aback 猝不及防地;突然地 howl 嚎叫;怒吼 ...

7.吃惊地 gobsmacked adj. <英口>大吃一惊... aback adv. 吃惊地,向后地 over prep. 在 ... 的上... ...

8.吓了一大跳 a·quain·tance 【认识,了解,熟人 aback吓了一大跳】 acute 【敏锐的,锋 …


1."That's an interesting idea, " I said, taken aback and trying to hide it.您这观点倒挺有意思,我试图掩饰自己的惊讶。

2.She was also taken aback by his intense jealousy and the imbalance between his tight penny-pinching and extravagant spending.她也感到吃惊,他强烈的嫉妒和不平衡之间的紧张节俭和奢侈消费。

3.At last, however, she fell right into the wind's eye, was taken dead aback, and stood there a while helpless, with her sails shivering.可是,最终它却转向风吹来的方向,转过船头处于逆风状态,无助地停泊在那儿,船帆不住地颤抖。

4.I was a pttle taken aback at how much the Shanghainese staff failed to know about the art of cicada maintenance.身为上海人的员工们竟然不懂得养知了的艺术,这让我多少有些惊讶。

5.Lombard was a good deal taken aback, but in his surprise he did not forget that this was the young lady who had refused him that afternoon.伦巴第先生被吓了一跳,但他吃惊得发现自己还记着今天下午她拒绝了他。

6.She barely knows him, so when he gave her that lovely purse, she was really taken aback.她跟他一点儿都不熟,所以当他送给她那个好看的皮夹时,她非常吃惊。

7.The singer was taken aback by the pirated editions of his songs on the market, and he vowed not to let the thiefs off.当这位歌手发现市面上有自己作品的盗版时,他十分震惊,发誓绝不放过那盗贼

8.Although the guy knew of her feepngs for him, he was still taken aback and had never expected her to react that way.尽管小伙子知道她对自己的感情,他还是大吃一惊,完全没有想到她会那样。

9.If I'm honest, I'm a pttle taken aback how you all but ignore me for two years then email me only when you need something.坦白说,两年来你直接忽视我,现在有需要才主动联系的行为让我有点讶异。

10.She must have been a pttle too taken aback to reply as I can't seem to recall what she had to say to that.她一定是花了很长时间才反应过来怎样回答我,因为我记不起她当时是怎么说的了。