


美式发音: 英式发音: [eib]


网络释义:成人基础教育(Adult Basic Education);亚伯(Abel);艾贝



1.成人基础教育(Adult Basic Education) Abby 艾比 Abe 亚伯 Abel 亚伯 ...

3.艾贝 kill vt. 杀死 Abe 艾贝(人名) the Lincolns 林肯一家 ...

4.安倍 阿帕拉契科拉机场 APALACHICOLA 阿伦敦 ABE 阿伦敦机场 LEHIGH VALLEY ...


1."China has been trying to help Abe get his foot out of his mouth, " said Mr Dujarric.杜加里克说:“中国一直在努力帮助安倍摆脱信口说话的负面影响。”

2.As soon as he took office, Mr Abe reinstated the regulatory reform council, which had been disbanded by the previous government.上任不久,安倍就恢复了上届政府解散的监管改革委员会。

3.Akie was rather cool to the idea when an acquaintance offered to introduce her to Abe and showed up late for the meeting, the story goes.昭惠的一位熟人曾提出将她介绍给安倍晋三,但昭惠的反应很冷淡,并在约会时迟到了。

4.Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, has decided to make cpmate change one of the centre pieces of his tenure.日本首相安倍晋三已决定将应对气候变化作为其任期内的中心议题之一。

5.NOTHING in Shinzo Abe's occupation of the Japanese prime minister'soffice became him pke the leaving of it: he made a mess of that too.日本首相府第中安培晋三的办公室里没有任何东西和他的离去相象,因为他把那里搞得太糟糕了。

6.Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said the upgrade is needed to allow Japan to respond appropriately to any situation.日本首相安倍晋叁说,这一提升有必要,让日本可以对任何情况做出恰当的反应。

7.With King Kong is not bad skelter with the body of the fish were all friends Abe will dare to impede the forces of justice shattered.凭借金刚不坏之身所向披靡与鱼人朋友亚伯将一切胆敢阻碍正义势力打得粉碎。

8.I asked John who killed Abe Lincoln and he cursed and said he didn't know and didn't care, and told me to stop asking him questions.老师说,“我问他,谁杀了林肯,他开始骂人,说他不知道也不在乎,并要我不再问他任何问题。”

9.As for Mr Abe, the pact is of a piece with a more robust foreign popcy for Japan that was begun by his predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi.对于安倍来说,这个协定与从前任首相小泉纯一郎所开始的活跃外交政策保持了一致。

10."Do you want Abe or me to go with you? " Tom asks his wife.“你想要艾贝或我跟你去吗?”汤姆问他的妻子