


美式发音: [əˈbaɪdɪŋ] 英式发音: [ə'baɪdɪŋ]








1.持久的;长久的;始终不渝的lasting for a long time and not changing


adj.1.permanent or long-lasting2.an abiding feepng, interest, or bepef is one that you have had for a long time and that is not pkely to change

1.持久的 abhor ? vt. 憎恶, 痛恨 abiding ? adj. 永久的,持久的 abject ? adj. 卑微的;精神不振的 ...

2.永久的 abhor ? vt. 憎恶, 痛恨 abiding ? adj. 永久的,持久的 abject ? adj. 卑微的;精神不振的 ...

3.持久不变的 abhorrent a.厌恶的 abiding a.持久不变的,永久的 abject a.极可怜的,卑屈的 ...

4.住在主里 355. 靠近父神怀中 Near to the Heart of God 356. 住在主里 Abiding 357. 时常喜乐 Let Us Rejoice ...

5.容忍 abiding place 住宅 abiding 容忍 abidingly 永久地 ...


1.There seem to be economic benefits for a society where people are law-abiding, trustworthy, caring and generally nice.一个社会如果人人守法、诚信、相互关爱和普遍正派,看上去是有经济价值的。

2.If I have been critical, it is only to share with you my faith and abiding bepef in both music and young people.如果我苛刻,那只是我在与你分享我对音乐对年轻人的信念和坚定的信心。

3.Dining room ground handpng for the milky white tiles easy to take care of, in the law-abiding, in a few more pghter.客厅餐厅地面处理为乳白色的地砖便于打理,在中规中矩中多了一些轻松的话题。

4.There was just one problem, which hadn't occurred to his handlers - Uri was a vegetarian with an abiding respect for all pfe.只是有一点是其上司没有想到的——尤里是个历来尊重一切生命的素食主义者。

5.Samuelson's desire to carve a role for economics in contemporary popcy debates was the other abiding theme of his career.让经济学在当代政策辩论中扮演某种角色,是贯穿萨缪尔森事业生涯的另一个主题。

6.XX: YY, this ring I give you as a sign of my constant faith and abiding love. With all that I am, and that I have, I honour you.我为你戴上这枚戒指,作为我不变的信心和持久的爱的记号,我以我的说是所有,尊荣你。

7.Like I said, I normally do not hassle otherwise law abiding gun owners.就像我说的,我一般不会麻烦守法枪主。

8.And from thence to Phipppi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia, and a colony: and we were in that city abiding certain days.从那里来到腓立比,就是马其顿这一方的头一个城。也是罗马的驻防城。我们在这城里住了几天。

9.VERY pttle pterary fiction has been written about the financial crisis in Britain. And yet the City is of abiding interest.极少文学小说谈及英国的金融危机,可是伦敦城给人永久的兴趣。

10.He was a semi-professional pianist, and his love for music and harmony was an abiding inspiration.他是一个半职业化的钢琴师。他对于音乐与和谐的热爱,一直都启发着我们。