


美式发音: [ɪˈmænjuəl] 英式发音: [iˈmænjuəl]






na.1.The variant of Emanuel

1.以马内利 Hallelujah 哈里路亚 Emmanuel 以马内利 Jesus loves you! 耶稣爱你 ...

2.艾曼纽 Elton 埃尔顿 英国 老农场的 Emmanuel 艾曼纽 希伯来 上帝与我们同在 Enoch 伊诺克 希腊,希伯来 虔诚的 ...

3.伊曼纽 Elvis 艾维斯 Emmanuel 爱曼纽 Enoch 伊诺克 ...

6.玛奴耳者的聆听之心,但小提琴美女露西亚·米塞莱丽凄美的《艾曼纽尔》(Emmanuel),感染力亦是不遑多让,让听者在当下有感动 …


1.There was an interesting contrast between Emmanuel Adebayor and Roman Pavlyuchenko.阿德巴约和帕夫柳琴科之间的比较很有意思。

2."It is probably a bit early, " Pierre-Emmanuel Taittinger said. "There is not a strong (high-end) wine culture there yet. "“现在可能还有点早,”Pierre-EmmanuelTaittinger说,“这里的高端酒文化气氛还不浓厚。”

3.Emmanuel Jal, a Sudanese hip-hop artist based in London who sang on Friday, said Mandela was "unique" among African leaders.苏丹裔嘻哈歌手EmmanuelJal也参加了演出。他对路透说,曼德拉是非洲领导人中“独一无二”的。

4.However, from recent neighbor experience, to stimulate the economy through a wedding this move seems a bit much Emmanuel.可是,从近期的邻国经验来看,通过一场婚礼来拉动经济这一招似乎有点不大灵光。

5.In the beginning I put a bit too much pressure on myself because I was following in the footsteps of Thierry Henry and Emmanuel Adebayor.开始时我为自己加了太多的压力,因为我的前辈是亨利和阿德巴约。

6.So , what I though I 'd do is -- in honor of Emmanuel -- is, what I can do is to launch today the first TED Global auction .所以,我想我会做的是,为向以马利表示敬意--我今天将要兴办史上第一次TED全球拍卖。

7.First of a happy bunch onto the pitches to start work were a laughing Vincent Kompany, Patrick Vieira, Emmanuel Adebayor and Nigel de Jong.首先来到一批球员,欢欣鼓舞地踏入球场,你可以看到微笑的文森特科博尼,帕特里克维埃拉,埃曼纽尔阿德巴约以及尼格尔德容。

8."Development of a cell therapy for diabetes would be greatly aided by a renewable supply of human beta-cells, " Dr. Emmanuel E.“人β细胞可再生供应可大大促进糖尿病的细胞治疗的发展,”来自在圣地亚哥的Novocell公司的EmmanuelE。

9.Emmanuel Adebayor and Robin van Persie have plenty of quapties but cpnical finishing is not one of them.阿德巴约和范佩西都是优秀的球员,但是临门一脚总是不能让人满意。

10."We are in for a hell of a time, " says Emmanuel Gyimah-Boadi of the Ghana Centre for Democratic Development.加纳民主发展中心的EmmanuelGyimah-Boadi说:“我们正滑入一个地狱般煎熬的时期。”