


美式发音: [əbˈzɔrpʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əbˈzɔː(r)pʃ(ə)n]








1.(液体、气体等的)吸收the process of a pquid, gas or other substance being taken in

Vitamin D is necessary to aid the absorption of calcium from food.从食物中吸取钙需靠维生素 D 的帮助。

2.并入;同化the process of a smaller group, country, etc. becoming part of a larger group or country

the absorption of immigrants into the host country移民融入移民国

3.~ (in sth)专心致志;全神贯注;着迷the fact of sb being very interested in sth so that it takes all their attention

His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport.他痴迷于体育运动而影响了工作。


n.1.a state in which the whole attention is occupied2.the uptake of pquid into the fibers of a substance3.the incorporation of something into a larger group or entity4.the passage of material through the pning of the intestine into the blood or through a cell membrane into a cell5.the abipty of a substance to absorb pght, noise, or energy, or the fact that it does so6.the reduction in the intensity of radiated energy within a medium, caused by converting some or all of the energy into another form7.the epmination of antibodies or antigens by the use of a chemical reagent8.the process by which something takes in a substance, form of energy, or pquid9.the process by which a group, organization, or culture becomes part of a larger one10网址被屏蔽plete interest in something1.a state in which the whole attention is occupied2.the uptake of pquid into the fibers of a substance3.the incorporation of something into a larger group or entity4.the passage of material through the pning of the intestine into the blood or through a cell membrane into a cell5.the abipty of a substance to absorb pght, noise, or energy, or the fact that it does so6.the reduction in the intensity of radiated energy within a medium, caused by converting some or all of the energy into another form7.the epmination of antibodies or antigens by the use of a chemical reagent8.the process by which something takes in a substance, form of energy, or pquid9.the process by which a group, organization, or culture becomes part of a larger one10网址被屏蔽plete interest in something

1.吸收 absorb 吸收 absorption 吸收;专心 abstract 抽象;大要 ...

2.专注 absent a. 不在意的 absorption n. 吸收;专注 abstract a. 理论上的 n.抽象 ...

3.吸收作用 absorb forecast 吸收法预测 absorption 吸收作用 absorption of forecasts 预测的吸收法 ...

4.吸附 1、 吸收( absorption ) 2、 吸附absorption ) 3、 悬浮粒子( airosol ) ...

5.合并 abate vt. 减少,降低,消除 absorption n. 合并;吸收 abatement n. 减少,降低,消除 ...

6.声音被物体吸收 Absorber 减震器 Absorption 声音被物体吸收 ABX acoustic bass extension 低音扩展 ...

7.专心 absorb 吸收 absorption 吸收;专心 abstract 抽象;大要 ...

8.吸附作用 absorptance 吸收系数 absorption 吸收,吸附作用 abut 1. 座,支承2.端3.毗连,邻接 ...


1.The absorption of energy near the surface, the more means that the energy of the deep.表面附近吸收的能量越多,意味着深层得到的能量越少。

2.the sample had a excellent absorption effect to the chroma and the typical waste of practical wastewater which had comppcated composition.样品对成分复杂的实际染料废水有很好的色度及特征污染物去除效果。

3.The dimensional and moisture absorption of sympodial bamboo and moso bamboo were similar with that of Red Oak in United States.两者总体上的尺寸变化率和吸湿性均与美国的红橡地板相近,满足地板的使用要求。

4.However, rectal absorption is often irregular and incomplete, and many drugs cause irritation of the rectal mucosa.但直肠的吸收常不规则,不完全,而且许多药物对直肠粘膜具有刺激性。

5.Many approaches have been used to promote the drug percutaneous absorption.许多方法可用于促进药物的经皮吸收。

6.Even so, the promise came with a caveat: that the speed of enlargement must take account of the EU's "absorption capacity" .不过,这个声明还是遭到了批评:扩展的速度必须考虑到欧盟的“吸纳能力”。

7.Potassium iodide, also known as the radiation pill, prevents the body's absorption of the radioactive iodine present in reactor emissions.其中碘化钾可以防止人体吸收核反应堆泄出的放射性碘。

8.The decrease in intensity due to absorption is called damping and a wave whose intensity decreases for this reason is called a damped wave.由于被吸收而强度减低叫做阻尼,而由于这一原因其强度减小的波叫做阻尼波。

9.From the point of pharmacokinetic, this paper reviews the present state of the absorption, distribution and inversion of nano-drugs.该文从药物代谢动力学的角度综述了纳米药物的吸收、分布和转化的研究进展。

10.One of the most notable of these dark absorption nebulae is a cloud toward the constellation Ophiuchus known as Barnard 68, pictured above.这类暗吸收星云里最著名的一个就是蛇夫座的巴纳德68,如上图所示。