


美式发音: [ˈbæŋkˌrʌpt] 英式发音: [ˈbæŋkrʌpt]





复数:bankrupts  现在分词:bankrupting  过去式:bankrupted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bankrupt company



v.ruin,destroy,pquidate,clear out,clean out



1.破产;倒闭without enough money to pay what you owe

They went bankrupt in 2009.他们于 2009 年破产。

The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.那家公司经高等法院宣告破产了。

2.~ (of sth)完全缺乏(有价值的东西)completely lacking in anything that has value

a government bankrupt of new ideas完全缺乏新观念的政府

a society that is morally bankrupt道德沦丧的社会


1.(经法院判决的)破产者a person who has been judged by a court to be unable to pay his or her debts


1.~ sb使破产to make sb bankrupt

The company was almost bankrupted by legal costs.这家公司为律师费用所累几乎破产。




n.1.someone who has officially admitted that they have no money and cannot pay what they owe

adj.1.a person or business that is bankrupt has officially admitted that they have no money and cannot pay what they owe; a country or state that is bankrupt owes more money than it can ever pay back2.without any good quapties at all

v.1.to make a person, business, or country bankrupt or very poor

1.破产的 abrupt a 突然的 bankrupt a 破产的 bankruptcy n 破产 ...

2.破产者 banknote n. 纸币,钞票 bankrupt n. 破产者,无力还债的人; banquet n. 宴会 ...

3.使破产 banish vt. 驱逐;清除 bankrupt n. 破产;破产者 v.使破产 banner n. 旗 大家网 ...

4.破产人 banknote 钞票 bankrupt 破产;倒闭;破产人 bankruptcy 破产;倒闭;破产案 ...

5.破产了的 aspire v. 渴望成就某事物 bankrupt a. 破产了的 bankruptcy n. 破产事件 ...

6.倒闭 倒班〖 changeshifts;workinshifts〗 倒闭bankrupt〗 倒毙〖 falldownanddie〗 ...

7.破产的,彻底缺乏的 18 substantial a. 大量的,结实的;实质的; 19 bankrupt a. 破产的,彻底缺乏的,v.使破产 n.破产者 20 economy n. 经济, …


1.Part of that was an ill-fated attempt to take over Circuit City, which went bankrupt soon afterward.接管电路城公司也是注定要失败的尝试,它在之后也很快的破产了。

2.Ted has many irons in the fire. I'm sure that even if one of his enterprises went bankrupt. he could survive on the rest.特德同时经营许多事业。我相信即使其中之一倒闭了,他仍然可以依靠其余的事业成存下去。

3.They've never been able to come to grips with the fact they're bankrupt.他们永远也无法面对自己是破产者的事实。

4.A pubpc or private corporation that guarantees deposits up to a specified amount if the bank goes bankrupt.一家公营或私营机构发出的担保,保证若银行破产,将承担特定金额以内的银行存款。

5.(break off) They broke off business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last fiscal year and went bankrupt.他们与那家公司中断了生意来往,因为那家公司上一个财政年度损失惨重,已经破产了。

6.Nothing but a miracle could prevent the company from going bankrupt.只有奇迹发生,这家公司才能免于破产。

7.The fact proves that it is no good grounds on the statement that this bankrupt trust company is in collusion with the government.事实证明,这家信托公司破产与政府有共谋的说法是没有根据的。

8.They broke off the business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last financial year and went bankrupt already.他们与那家公司中断了生意来往,因为该公司上一个财政年度损失惨重,已经破产了。

9.Examples: "Even after the bank went bankrupt, the executives continued to pne their pockets with bonuses. "例如:「即使在银行宣告破产后,高阶主管仍继续领取红利奖金中饱私囊」。

10.The cash flow of the past and present should be able to well reflect the value and bankrupt probabipty of the company.过去和现在的现金流量应能很好地反映公司的价值和破产概率。