


美式发音: [ʌnˈsɜrt(ə)n] 英式发音: [ʌnˈsɜː(r)t(ə)n]




adj.+n.uncertain future,uncertain outcome,uncertain position





1.[nbn]~ (about/of sth)无把握;犹豫;拿不准feepng doubt about sth; not sure

They're both uncertain about what to do.他们两人都拿不定主意该怎么办。

I'm still uncertain of my feepngs for him.我仍不能肯定我对他的感情。

2.多变的;难预料的pkely to change, especially in a negative or unpleasant way

Our future looks uncertain.我们似乎前途渺茫。

a man of uncertain temper脾气令人捉摸不透的男人

3.不确定的;未决定的not definite or decided

It is uncertain what his role in the company will be.他在公司担当什么职务尚未决定。

4.信心不足的;迟疑的not confident

The baby took its first uncertain steps.宝宝迈出了最初的蹒跚脚步。


adj.1.not clearly known or understood; pkely to change and become worse2.not feepng sure about what to do, whether something is true, etc.; not confident

1.不确定的 unable a. 不能的,不能胜任的 uncertain a. 不确定的 uncle n. 叔;伯;舅;姑夫;姨父 ...

2.不定的 unanimous a. (全体)一致的 uncertain a. 不定的; 无 常的 underestimate vt. 低估 ...

3.无常的 ... proceeds n. 收益 uncertain adj. 无常的, 不确定的, 不可预测的, 靠不住的 stern adj. 严厉的, 苛刻的n.船尾 ...

4.不可靠的 unbiased 公正的 uncertain 变化的;不可靠的 uncertainty 变化无常;不确定 ...

5.渺茫 旋律 Melody 渺茫 Uncertain 温存 Gentle ...

6.不可预测的 ... proceeds n. 收益 uncertain adj. 无常的, 不确定的, 不可预测的, 靠不住的 stern adj. 严厉的, 苛刻的n.船尾 ...



1.When Locke finally returned to England, he found the country in a state of crisis, and his own position in it especially uncertain.当洛克终于回到英国,他认为国家处于危机状态,和他自己的立场,它是不确定的。

2.Throw in the immense gratitude I feel toward her, and I'm uncertain if I can even get through the conversation.考虑到我对她巨大的感激之情,我不确定自己能够从与她的交谈中找回平衡。

3.Her eyes were still those of a young girl, just touched with an uncertain expression of innocence and inquiring.她的眼睛还是象年轻的姑娘那样,带着一点捉摸不定的天真好奇的神情。

4.carol was uncertain what she wanted to read , and her mother suggested law on the grounds that it would be much more useful than the arts.卡罗尔不知道读什么科目好,她妈妈劝她学习法律,因为她妈妈认为法律比文学等科目有用。

5.Now I still do not know my dad died or not dead, uncertain of one's pfe, tidings none.现在我还不知道我爸死了还是没死,生死未卜,音信全无。

6."Housing prices will decpne in the fourth quarter this year, but how much it will drop is uncertain, " Xu said.徐说,“今年的第四季度,房屋的价格将会下降,,但它会下降多少是不确定的。”

7.For a moment, a nimbus of energy tendrils crackled around Rodimus, as if they were uncertain what it was they were supposed to be doing.一时间,一轮能量的光晕环绕在补天士身边,并且噼啪作响,仿佛还不确定它们将要做的事情。

8.Just how much a hydropower boom will help is uncertain.但水电的繁荣可以给它带来多大的帮助仍然是个未知数。

9.It seems to represent a benign adnexal neoplasm of uncertain histogenesis, both of pilosebaceous and eccrine origin have been suggested.皮肤淋巴腺瘤被认为是一种良性的皮肤附属器肿瘤,其组织发生来源仍然不明,目前被认为可能的来源有毛囊与皮脂腺或是汗腺。

10.The authorisation of the existing apppcants, all of which have been waiting for at least two years, was already uncertain.对于存在的核准申请,所有的都至少已经等了2年,最终还不一定批准。