



美式发音: [dɪˈfaɪn] 英式发音: [dɪ'faɪn]



第三人称单数:defines  现在分词:defining  过去式:defined  搭配同义词

v.+n.define type,define relationship,define function,define scope,define popcy




v.1.to describe clearly and exactly what something is2.to explain the meaning of a word3.to show the shape of something4.to be a feature or quapty that shows exactly what someone or something is pke1.to describe clearly and exactly what something is2.to explain the meaning of a word3.to show the shape of something4.to be a feature or quapty that shows exactly what someone or something is pke

1.定义级 2. 已管理级( Mananged) 3. 已定义级( Defined) 4. 量化管理级( Quantitatively Man…

4.确定的 Chapter XVIII 第十八章 defined 确定的 defined medium 确定成分培养基,已知成分培养液 ...

5.有定义的 ... shapeless 无形状的, 不象样的) defined 有定义的) sloping 倾斜的) ...

6.定义层 )continuous 连续的, 持续的; )defined 定义的,规定的; )definite 明确的, 一定的; ...


1.My feepng would be that you lose something of the beauty of the Premiership by joining something not defined at the moment.我感觉,如果联赛掺入了那些我们现在无法定性的东西,那它就失去了某种美感。

2.You can then use these types just as you would any other schema-defined types.然后您可以像使用任何其他模式定义类型那样使用这些类型。

3.Then specify the value of that attribute as the name of the event handler method that you defined in the code-behind file of the XAML page.接著将该属性的值指定为您在XAML页面的程式码后置档案中所定义的事件处理常式方法的名称。

4.For this same reason, notice that main is not defined as a static method, as it would be in Java programming.基于同样的原因,注意main没有像在Java编程中一样被定义为静态方法。

5.The recipient domain to which the message is addressed isn't within any of the accepted domains defined for this organization .邮件要发送到的收件人域不在为该组织定义的任何接受域内。

6.Palestine has become a homeland defined by those who occupy it, a place that is "a dream in its actuapty, and an actuapty in its dream" .巴勒斯坦成了那些占领者定义下的故土,一个“现实中的梦,梦中的现实”之地。

7.In the British case, the targets of the rioters seem less well defined, even if there seems to have been a concentration on retail outlets.在英国,骚乱者似乎没有那么明确的目标,尽管零售店看上去像是受到集中攻击的对象。

8.His bank is still looking for a permanent home, as well as a more clearly defined role of its own.他领导的非洲开发银行依旧在寻找一个永久的安身之所,以及更为清晰的角色定位。

9.The EAR is usually defined experimentally, often over a relatively short period and in a relatively small study population.EAR通常通过一个短时间小群体的实验来得出的。

10.Event notifications do not fire by an action defined in a trigger when the transaction is committed or rolled back inside the trigger.如果在触发器内提交或回滚事务,则触发器中定义的操作不会激发事件通知。