


美式发音: [ˈspek(ə)ld] 英式发音: ['spek(ə)ld]







1.布满斑点的;有色斑的covered with small marks or spots


adj.1.covered with a lot of small spots or marks

1.有斑点的 speckled 斑点有斑点的 speckled 有斑点的 spectacle band 上桅桅箍 ...

2.多斑的,布满斑点的 ... 22. earthy: 泥土般的,泥土味的。 23. speckled: 多斑的,布满斑点的。 24. illuminate: 照亮,照明。 ...

3.斑斑 darkestfaerie 最黑暗精灵 speckled 斑斑 yesboyicecream 好孩子冰淇淋乐队 ...

4.斑点响尾蛇ojave)、角响尾蛇 (Sidewinder)、斑点响尾蛇 (Speckled),和西部棱背响尾蛇 (Western Diamondback)。

5.洒满 freckled 有雀斑的 speckled 洒满 disgorging 喷出; 被迫交出脏物 ...

6.斑点状核型 较强的荧光,中心厚而发暗,中期 细胞染色质阴性 斑点型speckled) 核内散布大小不等的着染荧光的斑 点,核仁和中期 …

8.芝麻点 ... Sunglow 阳光 Speckled 芝麻点 Snake-eyes 蛇眼 ...


1.The next morning I stepped out to look at the bulldog, hoping to see at least a gash in its speckled hide.第二天早上,我跑去察看那头叭喇狗,期望从它那布满斑点的身上至少能发现一个深长的伤口。

2.With its scarlet wings speckled with seven small black spots, the ladybird is generally a welcome visitor to the garden.随着鲜红的翅膀斑点与七个小的黑点,一般的小鸟儿是一个值得欢迎的访客花园。

3.Swaying of the leaves roll up a beautiful picture layers, as if Tiannvsanhua speckled along the well-being and joy!摇曳的枫叶卷起一层层美丽的画卷,仿佛是天女散花洒满一路的幸福与喜悦!

4.a commercial system must be able to verify their prints even if their fingers are positioned sloppily or speckled with glazed sugar.对于一般的商用系统,即使手指放的位置很随便,或是因为沾到糖渍而反光,也必须能够识别使用者的指纹。

5.With its sea-covered surface speckled with small tropical beach islands, it could have been the most desired tourist location in the galaxy.其表面基本被海洋所覆盖,星星点点地散落着一些热带沙滩小岛。它本可以成为银河系最炙手可热的旅游景点。

6.'Although, I would be frightened at seeing this if I was a meat eater. Why hasn't even the bun become speckled with mould? It is odd. '虽然,如果我是肉食主义者的话,看到它的时候一定会感到恐惧。为什么即使是小面包也没有霉点呢?太奇怪了。

7.Using a speckled brush to draw some wide but vague pnes is a good idea to get the direction of the wood sorted out as a base.使用斑点的画笔绘制宽条,但模糊的线是一个好主意来得到木纹方向的基础。

8.These "Ivory Tower" observations speckled with Chinese government quotes largely beat around the bush rather than advocate for real change.这些点缀着中国政府言论的“象牙塔”观察,老是绕着圈子说话,而非提倡真正的改变。

9.With its very large black spot, this speckled coral reef dweller looks pke it has a bullseye tattoo.这位珊瑚礁“居民”身上的大黑点看上去就像是一个“靶心纹身”。

10.The speckled gophers crept out of their holes, sat on their hind legs, and made the steppe resound with their whistle.带斑点的囊地鼠悄悄爬出洞穴企立,草原上回响着它们的嘘嘘声。