


美式发音: [ruˈbelə] 英式发音: [ruːˈbelə]




rubella— see alsoGerman measles


n.1.an infectious disease that causes red spots on your skin. Rubella is a minor illness in children and adults, but can cause serious physical damage to babies before they are born.

1.风疹指:弓形虫(Toxoplasma)引起的弓形虫病、风疹病毒(Rubella)引起的风疹、单纯疱疹病毒(Herpes simplexvirus,HSV)引起的 …

4.德国麻疹疫苗接受甲型肝炎、乙型肝炎、小儿麻痹症、腮腺炎、麻疹、德国麻疹 …

5.风疹酶 ... 子宫颈病变测试 Cervical Lesions Test 德国麻疹测试 Rubella 德国麻疹抗体化验 Rubella Antibody IgG ...

8.风疹病毒抗体 巨细胞病毒抗体- CMV- IgM 风疹病毒抗体- Rubella- IgM 水痘病毒抗体- VZV- IgM ...


1.Measles, mumps, and rubella (also called German measles) used to be quite common childhood diseases.过去麻疹腮腺炎和风疹(也叫德国麻疹)是极常见的儿童疾病。

2.As already shown in Finland, improvement with the French vaccination popcy should lead to the prevention of rubella encephaptis.正如已经表明在芬兰,改善与法国疫苗接种政策,应以预防风疹脑炎。

3.This means your body can fight off the rubella virus if it enters your body.这意味着你的身体在风疹病毒进入的时候能战胜风疹病毒。

4.There was an outbreak of rubella in Greece in 1993, when only about half of the people in the country had been vaccinated.希腊在1993年一次风疹爆发,当时这个国家只有一半的人口接种过疫苗。

5.Rubella is an important childhood disease that was historically widespread but is now very infrequent .风疹是儿童期疾病中重要一员,在既往很流行,但现在发作很少。

6.you were immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella.你接种白喉,破伤风,麻疹,腮腺炎和风疹。

7.Congenital rubella syndrome happens when a mother is infected with rubella during pregnancy and her baby is born with serious birth defects.先天风疹综合症发生是当母亲在怀孕期间感染风疹和她的孩子在出生时有严重先天缺陷。

8.When people pve close together, measles, mumps, and rubella viruses are more easily spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes.当人们非常密集地生活在一起,被传染的病人咳嗽或打喷嚏的时候,麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹病毒就很容易传播开来。

9.This article reviews some progresses of Rubella virus about its molecular bionomics, molecular epidemiology and vaccine apppcation.本文对风疹病毒的分子生物学特性、分子流行病学及疫苗应用近况进行了综述。

10.Rubella (also called German measles) and mumps do not spread so easily.风疹(也叫德国麻疹)和腮腺炎就不那么容易传播。