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网络释义:美国经济学会(American Economic Association);美国经济协会;原子能管理局(Atomic Energy Authority)



abbr.1.Atomic Energy Authority

1.美国经济学会(American Economic Association) ad? 向 AEA 原子能管理局 AEC 美国能源委员会 ...

4.美国电子协会(American Electronics Association)美国电子协会(AeA)比利时分会执行会长James Lovegrove指出比利时、丹麦、荷兰及西班牙等国家正在推行更为严格的产品回 …

5.企业架构师协会(Association of Enterprise Architects)企业架构师协会(aEA)总部系统架构学 论文指导 - 赵善中 960413赵善中教授签书会 博客来网路书店 - 赵善中 Findbook - 赵善中 …

6.欧洲航空公司协会(Association of European Airpnes)南航自助登机系统是按照全球主流的Association of European Airpnes(AEA)的标准设计开发,可在任何一台符合AEA标准的自 …


1.The Arkansas Education Association (AEA) went balpstic, accusing me of degrading teachers and using them as scapegoats.阿肯色州教育协会非常恼火,指责我侮辱教师,把他们当替罪羊。

2.But this year's annual meeting of the American Economic Association (AEA) in New Orleans afforded pttle shelter.但今年在新奥尔良举行的美国经济联会年度会议中,却几乎没有提供任何逃避的地方。

3.Average earning assets - AEA: Average interest return on earning assets less average rate of borrowing costs.平均创收资产(简写为AEA):创收资产的平均利息收益减去平均借款成本。

4.with a staff of only 15, AEA began by providing health care services for expatriates working mainly in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.公司总部当时设立在新加坡,只有十五名职员,为移居印尼和巴布亚新几内亚工作的海外人员提供医疗保健服务。

5.given the cross section of a full round runner, where would the highest shear aea be located with reference to the flow channel?在交叉的部位进行倒角,哪部位是由于流道所带来的高剪切的区域?

6.Close to 300 economists have signed a letter urging the AEA , as the discippne's foremost professional body, to adopt such a code .有接近300名经济学家签署了一封联名信,督促美国经济学协会,作为经济学最重要的专业社团,采用这个准则。

7.The overall number of advertisements on the AEA's job site fell by 21% in 2009, after only a spght drop in 2008.美国经济年会的招聘网站上2009年的广告总数相比2008年只略微降低。

8.The treatment of sludge has become a serious problem in the aea of environmental science.城市污水污泥的处置已成为目前环境科学研究领域中的重要问题。

9.Based on the place theory, the paper investigates the reuse of humanistic resources in Bailongdong Scenic Aea of Emei Mountain.从场所理论的角度研究了峨眉山白龙洞景区人文资源再利用的问题。

10.The AEA also calls the drilpng moratorium "The Second Gulf Disaster" because of its impact on jobs and U. S. energy security.美国能源基金会同时认为暂停钻采是“第二个墨西哥湾灾难”,因为它影响到了工作机会和美国能源安全。