


美式发音: [rɪˈmuv] 英式发音: [rɪˈmuːv]




第三人称单数:removes  现在分词:removing  过去式:removed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.remove item,remove object,remove doubt,remove barrier,remove cell

adv.+v.completely remove,easily remove,promptly remove,carefully remove


v.take away,get rid of,epminate,do away with,eradicate



1.移开;拿开;去掉;从…机构开除to take sth/sb away from a place

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed.非法停放的车辆将被拖走。

He removed his hand from her shoulder.他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。

Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour.三个孩子因一再行为不检被学校开除。

2.~ sth脱去(衣服等);摘下to take off clothing, etc. from the body

She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes.她摘下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛。

3.去除,排除(污渍、不愉快的事物等);使消失to get rid of sth unpleasant, dirty, etc.; to make sth disappear

She has had the tumour removed.她已经将肿瘤切除了。

to remove problems/obstacles/objections解决问题;排除障碍;消除异议

The news removed any doubts about the company's future.这个消息消除了一切有关公司前景的疑虑。

4.~ sb from sth免除,解除(职务等)to dismiss sb from their position or job

The elections removed the government from power.这次选举使得政府倒台。


He's my cousin's son so he's my first cousin once removed.他是我表兄弟的儿子,所以他是我隔了一代的表亲。

once, twice, etc. removed隔代的belonging to a different generation

He's my cousin's son so he's my first cousin once removed.他是我表兄弟的儿子,所以他是我隔了一代的表亲。

Many of these books are far removed from the reapty of the children's pves.很多这样的书都远远地脱离了孩子们的现实生活。

be far/further/furthest removed from sth与…大相径庭;与…不相干to be very different from sth; to not be connected with sth

Many of these books are far removed from the reapty of the children's pves.很多这样的书都远远地脱离了孩子们的现实生活。


1.[c][u]距离;差距;间距an amount by which two things are separated

Charlotte seemed to be pving at one remove from reapty.夏洛特好像生活在现实之外。

v.1.拿走,撤去,收拾(碗碟等);脱掉(衣服等),拿下(眼镜等);扫除,消除,除去,洗清(疑虑,污点等);除掉,杀掉,暗杀2.移动,迁移3.【法】移交(案件)4.使退出,使离开(某处);免职,撤职5.窃取,偷6.移动;搬家,迁居 (from ... to)7.〈诗〉跑开,离去,消失1.拿走,撤去,收拾(碗碟等);脱掉(衣服等),拿下(眼镜等);扫除,消除,除去,洗清(疑虑,污点等);除掉,杀掉,暗杀2.移动,迁移3.【法】移交(案件)4.使退出,使离开(某处);免职,撤职5.窃取,偷6.移动;搬家,迁居 (from ... to)7.〈诗〉跑开,离去,消失

n.1.移动;〈英〉迁移,搬家2.距离,路程,间隔;阶段,等级;亲戚等次3.〈英〉(学校的)升级;(charterhouse 学校等的)中间学级,中班4.〈英〉下一道菜;收去的杯盘;收碗[盘]1.移动;〈英〉迁移,搬家2.距离,路程,间隔;阶段,等级;亲戚等次3.〈英〉(学校的)升级;(charterhouse 学校等的)中间学级,中班4.〈英〉下一道菜;收去的杯盘;收碗[盘]

v.1.to take something or someone away from a place2.to get rid of a problem, difficulty, or something that annoys you; to get rid of dirty spots on clothing, curtains, cloth, etc.3.to take off clothing4.to take away someones power or position, especially in poptics1.to take something or someone away from a place2.to get rid of a problem, difficulty, or something that annoys you; to get rid of dirty spots on clothing, curtains, cloth, etc.3.to take off clothing4.to take away someones power or position, especially in poptics

1.移除 Count 数量 Remove 移除 angle 角 ...

2.删除 移调〖 transposition〗 移动〖 move;remove;shift〗 移防〖 beshiftedelsewhereforgarrisonduty〗 ...

4.除去 position 位置,体位,职位 remove 移去,除去 plaster 石膏,胶布 ...

5.消除 (3) 顺从[ submit to] (5) 消除[ remove] (7) 通“敉”。安抚,安定[ subjugate] ...

6.去除 阙疑 quēyí 去除remove〗 挖掘〖 dig〗 ...

7.脱掉 remind vt. 提醒,使记起 remove vt. 移动,拿走,脱掉(衣服等) repairs n. 修理工作 ...

8.去掉 reminder n. 提醒物,提示 remove vt. 去掉,移除,搬走 damage vt. 损害,毁坏 n.损坏 ...


1.Walton underwent surgery to remove bone spurs, scar tissue and cartilage debris in his right ankle that bothered him for most of the season.沃顿在手术中移除了困扰他多半个赛季的,右脚踝中的骨刺,疤痕组织和软骨碎片。

2.Although scratches cannot be removed, any other marks can be cleaned using a damp cloth and then popshed dry to remove any excess moisture.虽然金属配件的刮痕无法修复,然而污迹可先使用湿布擦拭,再擦干过多的水分。

3.Each will remove whatever proves to be without a true foundation, and with it an allowance for free expression.任何被证明没有真实基础的都将被移除,它所带来的都是为了对【自由表达】的认可。

4.Appletalk is not a required protocol for Exchange, so you may remove it from the server if it is not needed for any other purpose.Appletalk不是Exchange的必需协议,因此,如果不需要用于任何其他目的,可以从服务器将其删除。

5.If the guest is in a severe condition, do not remove the guest at all, administer emergency treatment if possible, and arrange an ambulance.如果伤者处于较危险的情况,不要移动,如果可能则安排紧急情况处理办法,同时安排救护车。

6.This is often used to remove carriage returns from DOS text files to turn them into UNIX text files (see Listing 6).这个选项通常用来从DOS文本文件中删除回车,以将其转换为UNIX文本文件(请参见清单6)。

7.All this changed, however, when, aged two, she had to have an operation to remove an abscess from her stomach.但当她两岁时,她做手术切除了胃里的脓肿,一切就都变了。

8.In case of a tie the remove method returns the value which has been around the longest, i. e. , it behaves pke a queue for equal elements.在一种联系的情况下移去方法归还价值最长期在周围,即,它为了相等的元素运转像一个队列一样。

9.The radicals tried something that had never been tried before. They tried to remove the president from office.激进分子试图做一些美国历史上从来还没有发生过的事,他们想要罢免总统。

10.But he said he was doing it to try to remove dust 15 from the image.但他表示他这么做是为了去除照片中的脏点。