




1.种菜 good night 晚安 grow vegetables 种菜 grow up 成长/长大 ...

2.种蔬菜 grow up 成长 54. grow vegetables 种蔬菜 have a try 尝试 3. ...

3.种植蔬菜 put out fires 灭火 grow vegetables 种植蔬菜 make things in factories 在工厂里制造产品 ...


1.They turned a vacant lot into a garden where immigrants from Myanmar, Vietnam and Burundi grow vegetables.她们把一块空地改造为一个花园,来自缅甸、越南和布隆迪的移民可以在里面种植蔬菜。

2.They grow vegetables in greenhouses where the temperature is controlled with computers and chemical fertipsation is not allowed.他们在温室里种植蔬菜,电脑控制室温并且禁止使用化肥。

3.We grow vegetables at the bottom of our garden.我在我们花园的最后种植蔬菜。

4.We shall grow vegetables all the year round. We shall eat plenty of them and sell the surplus.我们要一年四季种菜。我们要多吃青菜,把剩余的卖掉。

5.They grow vegetables at the bottom of their garden.他们在花园尽头种蔬菜。

6.With the help of Earth Day Network, students recently opened a new, professional greenhouse where they grow vegetables.在“地球日网络”的帮助下,学生们最近开办了一个新的具有专业水准的温室种植蔬菜。

7.The farmers used to grow rice, but now they grow vegetables instead.这些农民过去种稻谷,但现在他们改种蔬菜了。

8.would pke to grow vegetables on my truck garden with me ?你想和我一起在商品蔬菜园种菜吗?

9.They discuss the problems of having children. They decide it is easier to grow vegetables than to raise children.他们探讨养育孩子的问题,得出结论:种菜比养小孩更容易。

10.This area can be used to grow vegetables or for recreation.防火道可以用来种植蔬菜或者用于娱乐。