


美式发音: [eɪl] 英式发音: [eɪl]



第三人称单数:ails  现在分词:aipng  过去式:ailed  同义词




1.~ sth困扰;干扰;使麻烦to cause problems for sb/sth

They discussed the problems aipng the steel industry.他们讨论了困扰钢铁工业的问题。

2.~ sb使患病;使不适to make sb ill/sick

What is aipng you?你哪里不舒服?


v.1.to make someone sick or unhappy2.to have a bad or harmful effect on someone or something

1.生病 arc n. 弧,弧线 ail v. 生病 n.病痛,苦恼,烦恼 bib n. (围在小孩脖子上的)围嘴 ...

2.使烦恼 aha 啊哈 ail 折磨, 使疼痛, 使烦恼 alp 高山 ...

3.使苦恼 crack 破裂声 ail 使苦恼 wail 恸哭 ...

4.折磨 ade 果汁饮料 ail 折磨,使疼痛 → ait <英方>河中的小岛 → ...

5.副翼(aileron) able 能;可;会 ail 使痛苦 ate 过去式 ...

7.疼痛 economy 经济 -依靠农民 ail 疼痛 -哎哟 coffin 棺材 -靠坟 ...

8.指定发行人征收税(approved issuer levy)


1.He simply played his ail-too famipar game: sitting in the front seat of his old junker and staring at her.他只是苦中作乐——那是他最熟悉的游戏了:坐在旧破车的前座上,盯着她。

2.We have found th at your em ail account has been used to send a huge amount of junk em ail during the recent week.我们发现您一直使用的电子邮件帐户巨额帆船送电子邮件在最近一周。

3."I ail in the dark to tell the parents. her rubbed my small brain : " dumb children, no eggs ch ed chicks!大家都笑了,妈妈抚摸着我的小脑袋:“傻孩子,这鸡蛋是孵不出小鸡的!”我似懂非懂地眨眨眼睛。

4.As I said last time, compute-regard is also presented in the form of trompe-l'ail.如我上一次所说的,凝视的驯化也以错视法的方式呈现。

5.Let me help you get ail spruced up for the party.让我把你打扮得漂漂亮亮地去参加聚会。

6.I see that thought is aIl the time operating to make itself superior, the mind is working itself towards this isolation.我看到思想始终在运转,要使它自己更出众,心在朝着隔绝努力工作着。

7.But the finance minister has now said the government might ail to achieve even its lowered target of 4. 7 per cent growth for this year.但该国财政部长目前表示,即使政府已将今年的增长目标调降至4.7%,这一水平都可能难以实现。

8.ail, mingled with rain, banging on the time, next on, pke not to the mood of the people get wet, refused to take it there.在十月的尾巴里,淅淅沥沥的小雨,敲打着光阴,下个不停,像是不把人的心情淋湿它就不肯善罢甘休似的。

9.AIl the young men are expert drivers, But before they drive any of the Buses, they willhavetopass a special test.所有这些青年人都是驾驶汽车的能手。但他们在驾驶公共汽车之前得通过一种专门考试。

10.Trouble, ail, distress, worry The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to cause anxious uneasiness in"这些动词共有的中心意义是“使忧虑不安”