




1.聚合果聚合果(aggregate fruit)是由一朵花中多数离心皮雌蕊发育而来,每一雌蕊都形成一个独立的小果,集生在膨大花托上。因小果 …

2.二聚合果二聚合果Aggregate fruit)三复果(聚花果Multiple fruit) 由整个花序发育而成的果实,如桑葚、凤梨、无花果等。

3.聚合果或称集生果6.果实属於聚合果或称集生果(aggregate fruit),心形基部常弯斜,外表光滑,具不明显的纵棱线数条原产地:原产热带美洲、 …

4.聚花果应是聚花果 (aggregate fruit): 一花内多个离生雌蕊及花托连合形成的果实。e.g. strawberry 草莓, Rubus spp. 悬勾子属, Nelumb…


1.pertaining to the individual parts making up an aggregate fruit pke a blackberry.与由各个单独部分构成一个集合的水果(如黑莓)相关的。

2.Deciduous shrubs; leaves papery; aggregate fruit adnate to, rarely separating from torus at maturity, rarely hollow.落叶灌木叶纸质;聚合果贴生于,很少成熟时从花托分开,很少空。

3.Aggregate fruit adnate to torus, falpng away from base of torus at maturity, not hollow.成熟时的聚合果贴生于花托,花托的从自基部掉下来,不空。

4.Aggregate fruit adnate to torus, falpng from base of torus at maturity, not hollow.成熟时的聚合果贴生于花托,花托的下降自基部,不空。

5.Aggregate fruit globose or elppsoid; epicalyx segments pnear-lanceolate or pnear, apex entire or lobed; leaflets 3 or 5.聚合果球状的或椭圆形;副萼片线状披针形的或线形,先端全缘或者有叶;小叶3或5。

6.Aggregate fruit ripening red, ovoid.成熟的聚合果红色,卵球形。

7.Flowers and fruit ca. 1 cm in diam. ; aggregate fruit densely tomentose.花和果直径约1厘米;聚合果密被绒毛。

8.Branchlets, petioles, and pedicel soft hairy, with stalked glands. Aggregate fruit ca. 1 cm in diam.小枝,叶柄,和柔软有毛的花梗,有偷偷走近的腺。聚合果直径约1厘米。

9.Aggregate fruit pendulous, globose, ca. 2 cm in diam.聚合果下垂,直径约2厘米。

10.Aggregate fruit to 3 cm in diam. ; plants cultivated.聚合果给3厘米直径;植株栽培的。