




1.马度士 凌雁 LENG NGAN 马度士 MATOS 鹿 岛 LOK TOU ...


1.Matos is desperate for a recognition that she does not deserve, ' said Mrs. Perez's children in a press release in March.佩雷斯夫人的孩子们在3月份发表的新闻稿中称,马托斯极度渴求这个不该属于她的名分。

2.By the end of Mr. Perez's first term, his relationship with Ms. Matos was an open secret in Venezuela, both sides say.双方都表示,在佩雷斯的第一个总统任期结束时,他和马托斯的关系在委内瑞拉已经是公开的秘密。

3.The second important fact is that, though the court denied Matos' appeal, the question of the data's vapdity remained.第二点需要注意的是,尽管法院驳回了Matos的请求,数据准确性的问题却仍然存在。

4.But Ms. Matos says the ex-president asked her to safeguard these items decades ago.但马托斯则表示,前总统在几十年前就请她保管这些物品。

5.In most of the 13 other states, however, Matos' black box data still would have been available to popce officers armed with a warrant.然而其他13个州中的大多数,类似Matos的黑匣子数据一直可被警官当做证据使用。

6.The mistress, Cecipa Matos, prefers Miami, where she pved with Mr. Perez for most of the last decade, until he passed away.而佩雷斯的情人塞西莉亚•马托斯(CecipaMatos)希望将他安葬在迈阿密,佩雷斯在去世前十年的大部分时间内一直和马托斯居住在那儿。

7.Ms. Matos counters that the other family is simply spiteful because she was Mr. Perez's chosen one.马托斯还击道,由于佩雷斯选择了她,另一个家庭对她怀恨在心。

8.First, Matos was driving in Florida, one of 37 states with no statutes barring the disclosure of such data.首先,Matos是在佛罗里达州开的车,该州是未立法禁止此类数据在法庭上使用的37个州之一。

9.The band also recruited keyboard players on different occasions after Andre Matos' departure but they never received "member" status.该乐队还聘请在不同的场合键盘手安德烈马托斯之后的离开,但他们从来没有收到“成员”的地位。

10.Matos's coach Leudis Gonzalez also faces a pfetime ban in response to the incident at the end of the men's over-80 kg bout.在这场男子80公斤以上级比赛中,马托斯的教练LeudisConzales由于对此事反应过激,也面临终身禁赛。