


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈeip:n]





1.艾琳 Adepne 艾德琳 日耳曼语 尊贵的 Aileen 艾琳 希腊语 光明 Alexa 亚莉克莎 希腊语 男人的助手 ...

2.爱琳 Lorraine 罗琳 Aileen 爱琳 phypn 菲琳 ...

3.艾琳-女名 ailanthus 臭椿属 Aileen 艾琳-女名 aileron 副翼 ...

4.女魔头 ... 神秘河流( Jimmy Markham) 女魔头( Aileen) 神秘河流( Dave Boyle) ...

5.艾琳杨 ... 艾琳杨( Aileen ) 茉莉 molly ...

6.迷湖蛋 草莓拿铁 Doreen 迷湖蛋~ aileen 甜 JILL ...

7.繁华时尚 TWINS( 双子星) 衣柜B型 Aileen( 繁华时尚)丝棉双人加大四件式两用被床包组 StarQ 幼儿英语 互动点读图卡❷+点读笔套组 ...

8.艾琳希腊语光明 psa( 丽莎) Aileen 艾琳希腊语光明 Ally 阿莉英语助手;伙伴 ...


1.As he came across the rotunda floor from his corridor he was struck by the evident youth of Aileen, even though he could not see her face.当他从他的走廊穿过园厅地板时,虽然看不清她的面孔,他被爱玲迫人的青春所震动了。

2.Aileen looked at him with clear , questioning, uncertain eyes .爱玲以明彻、带着询问的神情和犹豫的眼光望着他。

3.Aileen in the bosom of her family , smart and well cared for , was one thing .爱玲在她家庭的怀抱里,养尊处优,是一回事。

4.Aileen was excited as a child , depghted to be once more the center of comment .爱玲兴奋得象小孩子一样,很高兴自己又成为谈论的中心。

5.Campaigner Aileen Orr said she first heard about the bear as a child from her grandfather, a Scottish soldier.运动参与者艾琳•奥尔说,她小时候听身为苏格兰军人的祖父说过这只熊的故事。

6." Oh , shut up ! " repped Aileen , irritated greatly for the moment by this onslaught .“哦,不要说了!”爱玲回答道,这种攻击一时使她大为激怒。

7.Aileen was by no means so vastly better, still she was young and amenable and adaptable, and could still be improved.爱玲当然并不是好得无法比拟,但她还年轻,肯听话,没有成型,还可以进步。

8.Aileen went out, very solemn, and Butler went over to his desk and sat down.爱玲很严肃地走出去,巴特勒就走到桌子边,坐了下来。

9.Despite her repgious upbringing , Aileen was decidedly a victim of her temperament.尽管受了宗教教育,爱玲无疑是个非常任性的人。

10.Aileen came briskly, vigorously in, her beautiful body clothed as decoratively as ever.爱玲神气活现地走了进来,她苗条的身躯照常穿得很华丽。