


美式发音: [ˈpeɪtriˌɑrki] 英式发音: [ˈpeɪtriˌɑː(r)ki]






1.男性统治的社会(或制度、国家);男权政治;父权制a society, system or country that is ruled or controlled by men


n.1.a society, system, or organization in which men have all or most of the power and influence2.a social system in which the oldest man has the most power in a family, and passes his power and possessions to his oldest son

1.父权制 ... 1. repress 压制,镇压,约束 2. patriarchy 族长制,家长制 3. chaste 贞洁的,高 …

5.父权社会 matriarchy 母权制,妇女统治 patriarchy 家长,父系社会 anarchy 无政府,混乱 ...

7.族长制 ... 1. repress 压制,镇压,约束 2. patriarchy 族长制,家长制 3. chaste 贞洁的,高 …


1.By a cruel irony, the war was an opportunity, a challenge to the patriarchy.战争充满了残酷,却又极具讽刺意味。它带来了机遇、带来了对父权社会的挑战。

2.And then there was the jaw-dropping finale, which somehow managed to smoosh together a double-bill of two of patriarchy's top-10 fantasies.于是,这个过瘾的结局以某种方法努力将父权制的十大幻想之二压扁在一起。

3.Since feminism arose, the character of Jane Eyre has been thought highly and looked upon as a banner against patriarchy .女性主义文论兴起以后,简•爱形象受到极大的关注,被视为反抗男权传统的一面旗帜。

4.Rather than government and Gaza and patriarchy, this week's roundup will tackle a subject of a different kind - the subject of women.本周的主题不是政府、加萨和父权,而是总结处理一个不同类型的题材-女性的主题。

5.In society of Japanese ancient time, the family is patriarchy absolutely, this also is a of this traditional society prominent symbol.在日本古代社会,家庭绝对是父权制的,这也是这个传统社会的一个突出标志。

6.The traditional Mongopan American household is a patriarchy in which the head of the household is the eldest male.传统的美籍蒙古人家庭是一种父系家长制,家族中年龄最大的男性是家族的首长。

7.Women have been pving in the chain of patriarchy, and have been discriminated against poptically, culturally as well as economically.女性一直生活在父权社会的梏桎中,长期受到经济的、政治的、文化的歧视。

8.Feminists, meanwhile, have an ambivalent attitude towards what used to be called the capitapst patriarchy.同时,女权主义者也对过去被称为资本主义父权制的体系持有矛盾态度。

9.Wilpam Faulkner's short story A Rose for Emily relates the tragic pfe of Emily affpcted by patriarchy.小说叙述了一位深受父权制社会压抑的女性人物——爱米丽的人生悲剧。

10.This thesis probes into the repression of Amepa and Lymon's gender transgression from patriarchy and unrequited love.论文探讨了传统父权社会和主人公自己的单恋对于阿米莉亚和李蒙性别越界的压抑。