


美式发音: [ˈbrɪstəl] 英式发音: [ˈbristl]

n.布里斯托尔;同“Bristol board”



n.1.布里斯托尔2.同“Bristol board”

n.1.Same as Bristol board

1.布里斯托斯托 (Bristol) 今天出大太阳,蜜妈很想到布里斯托 (Bristol)看特殊形状热气球升空(special shape balloons)—不是圆的而是狗 …

2.布里斯托大学 埃克塞特大学( exeter) 布里斯托大学( bristol) 兰卡斯特大学( lancaster) ...


4.英国布里斯托 12 Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学 13 Bristol 布里斯托尔大学 14 Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学 ...

7.布里斯托市位在布里斯托市 (Bristol)的皇家儿童医院今天公布一项调查报告,指出婴儿与家长在沙发一起睡觉导致婴儿死亡的案例,近年来 …


1.But despite his efforts, David is still jobless and has had to ask his father for a loan to prevent him losing his home in Bristol.然而徒有努力毫无收获的他仍然是无业游民,还要借老爸的钱来保住自己在布里斯托尔的房子。

2.I was sad to leave , but when Redruth and I began our journey to Bristol , my thoughts turned to the voyage and the search for treasure.我离开母亲有点伤悲,可是当我和雷德拉斯踏上去布里斯托尔的旅程时,我的思绪就转到了寻宝的旅途上。

3."I haven't worked in a week, " the sniffpng 55-year-old confesses over the phone from his home in Bristol, Connecticut.“我一个礼拜没有工作了,”这个55岁抽着鼻子的人从他康涅狄格州布里斯托尔的家通过电话坦言。

4.Despite their prices, Bristol cars are not ostentatious, which seems to be part of their appeal.尽管价格昂贵,布里斯托尔汽车却相当的低调,这好像也是他独特魅力的一部分。

5.A woman in Bristol read about her in a newspaper and recognized her as a girl who had stayed at her lodging house not too long before.一个布里斯托尔的女人从报纸上读到这条新闻,认出这原来是不久前还投宿在她家里的一个女孩。

6.And let young Hawkins go at once to say goodbye to his mother, and then come quickly to Bristol with Redruth.让小霍金斯赶快回家和他母亲道别,由雷德拉斯陪他来布里斯托尔。

7.Journapst, author and travel writer Chris Taylor was born in London but grew up in Bristol and Brisbane.克里斯·泰勒是一名记者、作家和行纪作家,出生于伦敦,但在布里斯托尔和布里斯班长大。

8.Fry remained mainly in the middle of Bristol and did not expand as quickly as the other two companies. It eventually became part of Cadbury.夫瑞里大体上还是留在布里斯托尔城中,没有象其它两家公司那样快速扩张,最后,它成为吉百利的一部分。

9.There's a power of men been killed in this Hispaniola - a sight o' poor seamen dead and gone since you and me took ship to Bristol.这条船上已经死了好多人——自从你我离开布里斯托尔出海以来,死了多少可怜的水手!

10.And men who have sex two or more times a week halve their risk of a cardiac arrest, a study at Bristol University found.布里斯托尔大学的一项研究表明,一周有两次或两次以上性生活的男性心脏骤停的风险要小一半。