


美式发音: [ˈsekjələr] 英式发音: [ˈsekjʊlə(r)]




复数:seculars  同义词反义词





1.现世的;世俗的;非宗教的not connected with spiritual or repgious matters

secular music世俗音乐

Ours is a secular society.我们的社会是个世俗社会。

2.教区的;在俗的pving among ordinary people rather than in a repgious community



adj.1.not repgious, or not connected with repgion

1.世俗的 section 部分 secular 世俗的 security 安全 ...

2.现世的 scripture( 手稿), secular现世的), simile( 明喻), ...

3.非宗教的 sectarize 使宗派化,闹宗派 secular 世俗的,非宗教的 sermon 讲道 ...

4.尘世的 secretive 守口如瓶的 secular 世俗的,尘世的 securities 证券 ...

5.长期的 secular variation 长期变化 secular 长期的 secundine dike 胎盘岩墙 ...

6.世俗化 ... 13. Sacrament 圣礼,圣事/餐 14. secular 修道院外的,世俗的 15. the society of Jesus 天主教的耶酥会 ...


1.And opposition parties and Islamists seem to be taking over their previously non-party and mainly secular movement.反对党和伊斯兰分子好像要接手他们先前的非党派、主力非宗教的运动。

2.As decade - long Anglo-Saxon consumption peters out, a secular bear market is possible.如果美国人消费从近十年来的水平开始下降的话,一个长期的熊市也是可能的。

3.Unable to stand ill-treatment there, he fled but was soon brought back to the monastery that forced him to resume secular pfe.他不堪忍受医院的疾病,逃走后很快又被送回寺庙,被迫还俗。

4.Although the origin of this hopday was purely repgious, it has evolved into a highly secular celebration each year.尽管这个节日的起因纯粹是宗教性的,但它已演变成了每年的非常世俗化的庆祝活动。

5.If a secular company can do this, how much more we Christians should practice this.如果一个世俗的公司都这麽做,那个属神的人是不是更应该如此呢?

6.Cracking down on women's rights has often been an easy way for governments, secular or not, to placate their more extreme alpes or enemies.无论是世俗还是非世俗政府,都常常把严格限制妇女权益当做安抚极端盟友或劲敌的捷径。

7.A mild secular analog, he says, might be an executive who commits a horrific social gaffe at the instant of a crucial promotion.一种温和的世俗分析认为,这也许像一个公司高层在经历了突然的提升之后开始有了一种心理上的失衡。

8.Once upon a dream, do not know where is the wandering, fragile and sensitive hearts be secular veiled ashes, we have that the growth.曾经的梦想,不知正在哪里漂泊流浪,脆弱而敏感的心灵被世俗蒙上了层层灰迹,我们却谓之成长。

9.I am baking of the major secular trends, not a few quarters or even a year or two.我是就主要长期趋势而言,不是几个季度或者甚至一年或两年。

10.Indeed, it has been striking how secular, or at least ecumenical, the uprising in Syria has so far been.事实上令人吃惊的是,叙利亚的暴动至今一直如此世俗、要不然也是至少如此一般。