




1.莱纳斯 Limus 利摩斯 • Linus 利诺斯 • Liriope 利里俄珀 • ...

6.识字与精算计划 Miranda 天卫五 Linus 林诺斯 Petit-Prince 小王子 ...


1.Once upon a time, Linus said, making a change in the major number would be an acknowledgment of some sort of major milestone.李纳斯说,以前,主版本号的变化代表了一些重要里程碑的实现。

2.David. I don't want to see Linus again. I don't want to go out with him.大卫……我再也不想见到莱纳斯。我不想和他一起出去。

3.As I recall, it was one of the first couple of programs Linus Torvalds made run on his early Linux kernels.我记得,Bash也是莱纳斯·托瓦尔兹在他早期的Linux内核中最早运行的一些程序之一。

4.One day as he was meditating on the Architecture, Linus fell into a trance and was granted a vision.一天他在沉思着(诺依曼提出的)结构,恍惚间坠入幻境。

5.Shortly after the first 2. 5 kernels were released, Linus Torvalds began using BitKeeper on a trial basis to see if it would fit his needs.最初的2.5内核发布后不久,LinusTorvalds开始试用BitKeeper,以确定它是否能满足他的需要。

6.Linus Torvalds continues to coordinate the work of several hundred developers with the help of a few trusty deputies.在几个可信赖的副手帮助下,LinusTorvalds一直协调著数百位开发人员的工作。

7.GIT is one of the newest tools available for version control and was initially created by Linus Torvalds.GIT是用于版本控制的最新工具之一,它最初是由LinusTorvalds创建的。

8.Greg was clearly happy with this change; he presented Linus with the bottle of whiskey he had promised as a token of his appreciation.格雷格对这种变化很高兴,他送了李纳斯一瓶威士忌以示感谢。

9.Linus: I've been following in foot steps all my pfe. Save me, Sabrina Fair, you're the only one who can.我一直都在步上一代的后尘,救救我吧,Sbrina仙女,你是唯一可以做到的。

10.I actually spent about a year in my home, in my underwear, coding, pke Linus [Torvalds], in that picture before.事实上我在家中花了一年的时间,只穿着内裤,编写程式,就如同之前照片中的李纳斯·托瓦兹(Linux之父)一般。