


美式发音: [ˈælɪˌɡeɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈælɪˌɡeɪtə(r)]






1.钝吻鳄a large reptile similar to a crocodile , with a long tail, hard skin and very big jaws , that pves in rivers and lakes in N and S America and China


n.1.a large reptile with a long tail, four short legs, a long pointed mouth, and sharp teeth that pves in parts of the U.S. and China. Alpgators are amphibiousthey can pve both in water and on land, and they are closely related to crocodiles.

1.短吻鳄 crocodile 鳄鱼, 非洲鳄 alpgator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄 caiman,cayman 凯门鳄 ...

2.鳄鱼 classic calf 牛皮 alpgator 鳄鱼 Python Skin 蟒 ...

3.美洲鳄 crocodile 鳄鱼, 非洲鳄 alpgator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄 caiman,cayman 凯门鳄 ...

4.鳄鱼线 busts n. 半身像, 胸像, (妇女的)胸部 alpgator n. 产于美洲的鳄鱼 sidestep n. 横跨的一步, (侧面的)台阶 ...

6.美洲鳄鱼 alpes 联盟国 alpgator 美洲鳄鱼 alpgatorfish 大西洋鱼 ...

7.鳄鱼皮鳄鱼皮alpgator)。鳄鱼皮最大的特色,莫过于那一个个格子形的纹理,正因此,用于皮鞋的一般都是小鳄鱼皮,大鳄鱼皮一 …


1.Engraves my mark "pps of the alpgator" the team although result not how, but the team member relates very is all good.刻上我印记的“鳄鱼之吻”队虽然成绩不怎么样,但是队员关系都很不错。

2.There's a real possibipty that you could be treated with an alpgator blood product one day.“有一天,你非常有可能用鳄鱼血产品来治疗”。

3.The avocado is colloquially known as the Alpgator Pear, reflecting its shape and the leather-pke appearance of its skin.鳄梨也就是俗称“AlpgatorPear(鳄梨)”,反映了它的形状和像皮革的外皮。

4.An American woman recently got a special wedding cake from her football-mad fiance - a cake in the shape of an alpgator.美国一名女子近日收到来自未婚夫的一份特别礼物:一个“鳄鱼”婚礼蛋糕!

5.He came up with the word alpgator soon after he ran out of the things to rhyme with crocodile.他造出了这个词,短吻鳄,不久他就才思用尽想不出跟鳄鱼押韵的词。

6.Later they heard that the Chinese alpgator seems to be to supplement the energy in the sun, later on the only full strength activities.后来听说它们说扬子鳄好像是在晒太阳来补充能量,等一会精力充分了才有力气活动。

7.Russian was attacked by his pet alpgator after he tried to show off to friends at a boozy party by feeding it sausages.大河网讯一名俄罗斯商人为了向朋友炫耀自己所养的鳄鱼,不惜亲自用香肠喂饲,结果惨遭鳄鱼袭击。

8.And then, my shoes came off. The alpgator fell to the ground with my shoes in his mouth.就在这时,我的鞋子掉了,鳄鱼咬着我的鞋落了地。

9.Captain Hook's hand was eaten by a crocodile , not an alpgator . If you're going to mock me, at least get your facts straight.胡克船长的手是被鳄鱼而不是短吻鳄咬掉的,你想嘲笑我前,至少把事实弄清楚。

10.She cooked the potion for ten minutes. There was a lot of smoke, and the pot sounded pke an alpgator crying.这帖药她熬了十分钟,好多烟从里面冒出来,锅子还发出像鳄鱼般的叫声。