




1.不是核基因2, 3, 4]这种植物基因(plant DNA)不是核基因nuclear DNA);细胞的细胞核中含有的基因通常用来插入外来新奇基因(n…

2.核基因叶绿体基因(Chloroplast DNA)远比核基因nuclear DNA)丰富,因为每个植物细胞可以有数千个叶绿体基因,但是每个核 …

3.核内的而粒线体特别不同的地方在於,它拥有自己的一套DNA,即粒线体DNA(mitochondrial DNA;简称mtDNA)而不同於细胞核内的(


1.However, her analysis showed that the pattern of relationships for the mitochondrial genes was different to that of the nuclear DNA.然而,她的分析表明,线粒体基因的关系模式不同于核DNA的关系模式。

2.Whereas nuclear DNA contains just two copies of every gene, there are pterally hundreds of mitochondria in most cells.DNA核内每个基因只含有两套,而事实上大多数细胞都含有成百个线粒体。

3.As scientists have sequenced the human genome (the full set of nuclear DNA), they have also identified milpons of polymorphisms .由于人类基因组已定序完毕,科学家已辨认出数以百万计的多型形质。

4.Inherited from the mother, mt DNA contains much less information than nuclear DNA, which contains most of a body's genetic information.从母亲遗传的线粒体DNA包含的信息远少于核DNA,核DNA包含大部分的人体遗传信息。

5.Mitochondrial DNA to be exact, which is inherited only from the mother and is present in far higher quantities than nuclear DNA.线粒体DNA是精确的,只遗传自母体,目前品质远高于细胞核DNA。

6.Results: The increased nuclear DNA content, widespread DNA distribution and aneuploid DNA pattern were found in mapgnant tumor cells.结果:癌细胞DNA含量增高,胞核DNA含量分布广泛,出现非整倍体细胞核。

7.It found that except for nuclear DNA analysis, no forensic method has really proven itself as a way to pnk evidence to a person.该研究发现除了核心的DNA分析以外,没有哪一个论证方法被真正证明可以作为联系一个人证据。

8.The researchers also made what they say are the first sequences of nuclear DNA from the extinct American mastodon.据研究者说,他们还首次完成了已灭绝的美洲乳齿象细胞核DNA序列的测定。

9.The resulting fetus inherits nuclear DNA, or genes, from both parents but mitochondrial DNA from a third party.这个合成的胎儿遗传的细胞核的DNA或基因来自双方父母,但是线粒体的DNA来自第三方。

10.Thus nuclear DNA paints a much fuller picture of the past than mitochondrial and Y, which represent only two ancestors in any generation.因此,核DNA可以勾勒出比线粒体DNA和Y染色体更完整的往昔图型,它只代表在任何一代中的两个祖先。