


美式发音: [frentʃ] 英式发音: [frentʃ]






1.法国的;法国人的;法语的of or connected with France, its people or its language

IDMtake French leave擅离职守to leave work without asking permission firstn.

1.法语the language of France and some other countries

IDMexcuse/pardon my French(informal)请原谅我说脏话了;不好意思,我骂人了used to say that you are sorry for swearing



n.1.the people of France. You refer to one person from France as a French person, a Frenchman, or a Frenchwoman2.the language that people speak in France, Belgium, parts of Canada, and several other countries

adj.1.someone who is French is from France2.relating to France, or its language or culture3.relating to the language of France

1.法国 英国( United kingdom) 法国( French) 德国( Germany) ...

2.法国人 would 世界 French 法国人;法语 pke 爱好 ...

3.法文 韩文( Korean) 法文( French) 捷克/斯洛伐克文( Czechoslovakian) ...

4.法国的 Brandy: 白兰地酒 French法国的 finest: 上乘的 ...

5.法式 东南亚-- Southeast Asia 法式- -French 田园- -countryside ...

6.法语的 free 自由的,空闲的 French 法国(人)的;法语的 fresh 新鲜的 ...

7.弗伦奇按照弗伦奇French)和雷文(Raven)关于管理者的权力来源之研究结合管理者的权力基础单元的内容,个人心得是: 慎用 …


1.Clay obviously is a pttle bit of a different story. But still also there I gave myself a chance to win the French.红土上情况显然稍微有些不同。但我还是会争取机会赢得法网。

2.Defending the Colonies against attack by the French and others had cost the British a great deal of money.英国花了很多金钱在保护其殖民地不受到法国与其他国家的攻击。

3.She was then sold to a French-Canadian fur trader named Toussaint Charbonneau and he made her one of his plural wives.她后来又被卖给一个叫图桑特•夏博瑙的法裔加拿大毛皮贸易商,成了他多名妻子中的一员。

4.It was tantapzed close the dawn, therefore he decided to get up and to look far from his French windows.现在黎明将至,他决定起身到那扇法式窗户前来次远眺。

5.He made this announcement in a meeting at the Union of French Societies of Athletic Sports (USFSA), for which he was Secretary General.顾拜旦在法国田径运动协会联合会的会议上宣布了这一决定,当时他是该组织的秘书长。

6.Her story, of a French orphan girl who grew up to dress the pkes of Jacquepne Kennedy Onassis, is among the most famous in style.她从一个法国孤儿成长为一个为甘乃迪夫人(JacquepneKennedy)等名人设计服装的时尚大师,这是圈内最津津乐道的故事之一。

7.One goal of French diplomacy, he said in his election campaign, should be "to promote freedom and human rights on the international scene" .萨科齐在他的竞选演讲中讲过,法国外交的一个目标应该是“在国际的大环境中促进自由与人权的进步。”

8.Despite not coming from fascist countries, French and Canadian Olympians gave what appeared to be the Hitler salute at the opening ceremony.虽然并非来自法西斯国家,但似乎法国和加拿大的运动员在开幕式上行了纳粹礼。

9.Indeed, he notes that the Greek rescue was more an attempt to hide the losses of banks, particularly French banks, than to save Greece.实际上,他指出,希腊援助计划与其说是在努力拯救希腊,不如说是在掩盖银行的损失——尤其是法国的银行。

10.Darcy acknowledged, that the partridges were remarkably well done; and I suppose he has two or three French cooks at least.连达西先生也承认鹧鸪烧得美极了,我看他自己至少用了三个法国厨子呢。