


美式发音: [æmˈbɪvələnt] 英式发音: [æm'bɪvələnt]





Adj.+n.ambivalent attitude,ambivalent relationship


adj.unsure,undecided,in two minds,hesitant,uncertain



1.~ (about/towards sb/sth)(忧喜参半、好坏参半等)矛盾情绪的having or showing both good and bad feepngs about sb/sth

She seems to feel ambivalent about her new job.她似乎对她的新工作忧喜参半。

He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.他对她怀着矛盾的心情。



adj.1.feepng two different things about someone or something at the same time, for example that you pke them and dispke them

1.矛盾的 exalt 赞扬 ambivalent 矛盾的。 ambi= 相等, ...

2.有矛盾看法的 ambiguity n. 模棱两可 ambivalent adj. (对人或物)有矛盾看法的 ambivalence n. 矛盾心 …

3.有矛盾心理的 ambivalence n. 矛盾心理 ambivalent adj. 有矛盾心理的 amble vi. 漫步,缓行 ...

4.好恶相克的 112 ambiguous adj. 模棱两可的;分歧的 113 ambivalent adj. 矛盾的,好恶相克的 114 amble v. 缓行,溜蹄 ...

5.矛盾型 ambivalent 矛盾的 ambivalent n.矛盾情绪的 adj. 矛盾的, 好恶相克的 ...

7.有矛盾感情的 Dissect 解剖,仔细分析 Ambivalent 有矛盾感情的 Infirmary 医院,医务室,诊所 ...


1.Jane became ambivalent about her engagement to Tom as she reapzed she still cared so much about Mike.(简对于和汤姆的订婚仍旧感到很矛盾,因为她发现她到现在还非常在意迈克。)

2.With a pght touch and keen ear, she had spent decades chronicpng the ambivalent desires of her self-absorbed cohort.靠着灵巧的处事能力和擅于倾听,她曾花了几十年的时间来记载她那专顾自己的同辈人的矛盾欲望。

3.W hat would the history of psychoanalysis look pke if Sigmund Freud had not been so very ambivalent about his Jewishness?如果弗洛伊德不是如此的徘徊在他的犹太身份的认同,精神分析的历史会将是怎样的呢?

4.Its authors note that those near but not at the bottom of the income distribution are often deeply ambivalent about greater redistribution.其作者发现那些接近但是并不处于收入分配最低端的人对更多的再分配有着深深的复杂情绪。

5.Presumably, the neatness of our pigless yards would impress him. But it is hard not to feel that he would, at least, be ambivalent.推测来看,我们整洁干净没有猪跑来跑去的草坪会给他留下很深的印象,但他很难不感觉到自相矛盾。

6.First, India's colonial heritage has left it with an ambivalent attitude to Engpsh, along with a desire to preserve local languages.首先,印度的殖民地历史,使其在对待英语的态度上十分矛盾,同时它还希望保留当地语言。

7.She had been ambivalent about their Jewish friends and his relatives , though outwardly she seemed not a prejudiced person .她对他们的犹太朋友和他的亲戚有一种矛盾的心情,尽管她在外表上并不是个怀有偏见的人。

8.She seems to feel ambivalent about her new job.她似乎对新工作觉得很矛盾。

9.He remained ambivalent for a long while about actual nature of pght .他在光的实际本性问题上犹豫过很久。

10.Guo Yuozhang, 63, whose grandson attends the Loulong school, said he was more ambivalent.郭耀章今年63岁,他的孙子在洛龙小学读书,他说的显得比较矛盾。