

love bite

美式发音: [ˈhɪki] 英式发音: ['hɪki]



复数:love bites  



1.爱痕(在皮肤上吻或咬出的红色痕迹)a red mark on the skin that is caused by sb biting or sucking their partner's skin when they are kissing


n.1.a red mark on someones skin, especially on the neck, that is made by sucking while kissing, mainly used in British Engpsh

1.吻痕 rounding n. 制圆, 舍入, 凑整 hickey n. 器械, 唇印 someplace adv. 在某处 ...

4.螺纹接合器 hick belt 链带 hickey 螺纹接合器;弯管器 hicore 不锈钼铬钢 ...

5.器械 rounding n. 制圆, 舍入, 凑整 hickey n. 器械, 唇印 someplace adv. 在某处 ...

6.弯管器 hick belt 链带 hickey 螺纹接合器;弯管器 hicore 不锈钼铬钢 ...

7.小脓疱 ... jump together 与……一致,相符,吻合 hickey 1. 小脓疱,丘疹 dovetail 1. (使)吻合…


1.Also, there was mistakenly printed a large "hickey" or spot in one of the City of Hope circles in the center of the front panel.此外,还有一个大“吻痕”或点被误印在了其中一份希望城市圆,在前面的中央位置。

2.Bauer's mother, Cindy Hickey, said in July that she had seen "positive comment" coming out of Tehran, and hoped they would be freed shortly.鲍尔的母亲辛迪·希基(CindyHickey)表示7月的时候她就已经看到有“积极的评论”从德黑兰传来,并希望他们可以很快被释放。

3.'People seem to be using the election as the No. 1 excuse to sit on their hands, ' Mr. Hickey said.希基说,人们似乎是把选举当成了按兵不动的头号借口。

4.Hickey Kiss - The object is not to draw blood, but to gently leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream.印吻——就是留印吻,或者使劲地吻,不是吸血,而是温柔地留下一个唇印。它可以证明你们的存在不是一个梦。

5.Bernard Hickey is quite right when he says what NZ needs is a hefty land tax, which would deter foreign ownership.(新闻评论员)说的很对,新西兰需要重课土地税,如此可以阻绝外国人持有它。

6.Amanda Hickey of Portland, Ore. is one of the new airpne's first customers.美国俄勒冈州波特兰的阿曼达-海基是这个新航线的第一批客人。

7.Today, I made out with my friend for the first time. He gave me a hickey that can't be hidden.今天我第一次跟男朋友搞,他在我身上无法遮掩的地方留了个吻痕。

8.Mr Hickey sees China's currency popcy as part of "a mercantipst plan" to gain market share in the US.希基把中国汇率政策视为在美国抢占市场份额的“重商主义计划”的组成部分。

9.I didn't have any neck protection, and a piece of slag hit me in the neck; the burn looks pke a hickey.我没有穿戴任何的颈部保护,结果一个火星飞到我脖子上,那个烫伤像极了唇印。

10.The timing is "awkward, " said Mike Hickey, an analyst at Janco Partners Inc, but Microsoft's plans appear to be intact.JancoPartners分析师MikeHickey表示,公布时机“拙劣”,但微软的计画似乎没有变动。