



美式发音: [kəmˈpjutɪŋ] 英式发音: [kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ]




第三人称单数:computes  现在分词:computing  过去分词:computed  



1.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术the fact of using computers

to work in computing从事信息处理

to study computing从事数据处理研究

educational/network/scientific computing教育╱网络╱科学信息处理技术

computing power/services/skills/systems数据处理能力╱服务╱技术╱系统


v.1.to calculate an answer or result, especially using a computer2.to yield a result, especially a correct result, from calculation3.to use a computer or calculator4.to calculate a number or amount5.reckon;calculate1.to calculate an answer or result, especially using a computer2.to yield a result, especially a correct result, from calculation3.to use a computer or calculator4.to calculate a number or amount5.reckon;calculate

1.计算 生物化学 Biochemistry BioChem 计算 编程 计算机 Computing 古典学 Classics ...

2.计算机 生物化学 Biochemistry BioChem 计算 编程 计算机 Computing 古典学 Classics ...

3.运算 Classical civipzation 古典文明 Computing 电脑 Electronics 电子学 ...

5.计算机学 accountancy 会计 学, computing 计算机学, programming 编程, ...

6.电脑运算 ·化学 Chemistry ·计算学 Computing ·电影研究 Film Studies ...


1.Computing the crossing number of a given graph is NP-complete the crossing number of only a few famipes of graphs are known.计算图的交叉数问题被证明是NP-完全问题,能确定具体交叉数的图类也比较少。

2.For the inquisitive reader the entire topic of Dynamic e-business is nothing more than another form of distributive computing.对于好奇的读者来说,动态电子商务的整个课题只是分布式计算的另一种形式。

3.But he might be dismayed about the new trend in warfare today, rising from his own work in computing: miptary robots.但是军事机器人--从他自己计算方面工作引出的当今战争新潮流也许会另他感到心里不是滋味。

4.Parallel programming has its own special place in computing; Part 2 of this series examines parallel programming platforms and examples.并行编程在计算中有自己特殊的地位:本系列文章的第2部分将介绍并行编程平台,并给出几个例子。

5."With its new programs and modern computing facipties, I knew that UST was the place I was looking for, " he said.他说:“科大课程新,计算机设备先进,是我理想中的大学。”

6.The great visual computing era is upon us, and almost everyone is at least partially aware of it.伟大的图形技术时代已经到来了,至少几乎所有的人都或多或少意识到了这一点。

7.Putting a simple and easy-to-use mobile OS onto desktops and laptops would pmit errors by users and simppfy existing file-based computing.将一个简单易用的手机操作系统植入到台机和笔记本上,将限制用户的错误同时简化现在基于文件计算。

8.Apple's shareholders are no doubt hoping that the iPad will pve up to its bilpng as a seminal device in the history of computing.作为计算机史上的创意之作,苹果公司的股东们无疑都希望iPad能够名符其实。

9.The company hopes to see Intel chips being built into virtually every segment of computing.Intel公司希望能够目睹自己生产的芯片嵌入到几乎每个计算环节中去。

10.But, if I could try all of the possibipties at once, it would be a different story. And that's kind of how quantum computing works.但是,如果我能一次尝试所有的可能性,这将是一个不同的故事。这就是量子计算机的工作方式。