


美式发音: [ænˈdʒaɪnə] 英式发音: [æn'dʒaɪnə]





1.心绞痛severe pain in the chest caused by a low supply of blood to the heart during exercise because the arteries are partly blocked


n.1.a medical condition in which not enough blood gets to your heart, so that you get pain in your chest

1.心绞痛 通过二维码转到手机观看 详细»播放器加载中,请 …

2.咽峡炎 aneurysm 动脉瘤 angina 咽峡炎 angioblast 成血管细胞 ...

3.咽痛 贫血 Anemia 咽痛 Angina 腹泻 diarrhoea ...

4.狭心症 "动脉瘤"," aneurysm;aneurism" "咽峡炎;绞痛症"," angina" "腹绞痛"," angina abdominis" ...

6.咽喉痛 ... 13. 血栓 Thrombotic 14. 咽喉痛 / 心绞痛 Angina 15. 失眠 Insomnia ...

7.咽喉炎 盲肠炎(阑尾炎): appendicitis 咽喉炎angina 疝气: hernia ...


1.The pain of angina is usually not as severe as the intense precordial crushing sensation associated with acute myocardial infraction .心绞痛性疼痛,通常不如急性心肌梗塞时心前区挤压感觉那样剧烈。

2.Conclusion The xizang might be a beat choice drug to treat CHD that might have good effect and repeve angina well.结论欣康对冠心病有良好的治疗作用,能有效控制心绞痛,可作为治疗冠心病的首选药物。

3.Overall, though, the review did not provide sopd evidence that the medicine routinely benefits cardiac patients with angina.不过,常规应用该药是否有助于心绞痛病人方面,本文没有找到坚实的依据。

4.There was no significant difference in rates of myocardial infarction (MI), worsening of angina, or stroke.两组患者心肌梗死塞(MI)死亡率、心绞痛加重率以及卒中发生率差别无统计学意义。

5.Angina Pectoris or myocardial infarction is usually described as a heaviness, pressure, or squeezing.心绞痛或心肌梗死常呈压榨样痛并常伴有压迫感或窒息感。

6.Conclusion: Safflower injection is a fine medicament in the treatment of coronary heart disease and angina pectoris or myocardial ischemia.结论:红花注射液是治疗冠心病心绞痛、心肌缺血的理想药物。

7.The most obvious victims of the heart, when the myocardial oxygen supply is insufficient, which may induce angina or myocardial infarction.受害最明显的是心脏,当心肌供氧不足时,可以诱发心绞痛或心肌梗死。

8.For patients with new symptoms that suggest angina, a stress test is usually the first diagnostic step.对于有新发咽峡炎疑似症状的病人,应急测试通常是诊断的第一步。

9.Nearly one in five people have chest pain, whose medical term is angina, a year after a heart attack, they found.每五个人中就有一个人患有胸痛,医学术语称心绞痛,通常在心脏病发作一年后发现。

10.Angina -- The best evidence for carnitine's use for heart disease is as an addition to conventional treatment for stable angina.心绞痛-心脏疾病的最佳证据为肉碱的用途是作为一个稳定心绞痛除了常规治疗。