


美式发音: [ˈkwɪkən] 英式发音: ['kwɪkən]



第三人称单数:quickens  现在分词:quickening  过去式:quickened  同义词反义词

v.slow down

v.go faster,speed up,accelerate,hasten,pick up speed



1.[i][t](使)加快,加速to become quicker or make sth quicker

She felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached.随着他的走近,她觉得自己的心跳加速了。

He quickened his pace to catch up with them.他加快脚步追赶他们。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)变得更活跃;使更活跃to become more active; to make sth more active

His interest quickened as he heard more about the plan.他越听这个计划越觉得感兴趣。


v.1.if something quickens, or if you quicken it, it happens or moves more quickly2.if a feepng quickens, or if something quickens it, it becomes stronger

1.加快 rechen 使富 quicken 加快 darken 使黑,变黑 ...

2.加速 chestnut 胡桃树 quicken 加速,加快 shocked 吃惊的 ...

3.鼓舞 quickie 草草完成的劣品 quicken 加快,使...有生气,鼓舞 quick 快的,迅速的 ...

4.刺激 expedite 加速,加快,有助于 quicken 加快,变快,刺激 ebb 落潮,衰退 ...

5.加速,加快 (2) 同本义[ fast;quick;rapid] (1) 加速,加快[ quicken;speed up] (3) 邀请[ invite] ...

6.变快 naked a. 赤身的;裸露的 quicken v. (使)变快;(使)加速 start to work at sth. 着手做; …

7.使复活 near-identical 几乎相同模样的 quicken 加快,使复活 reinvent 彻底改造,使复活 ...



1.No doubt, Quicken is one of the best money management software around.毫无疑问,Quicken是最好的资金管理软件之一。

2.Something seemed to quicken her to a determination; possibly the thought that she had killed Prince.似乎有一件事促使她下了决心;很可能,是她想到了王子是在她手里死的。

3.Moreover, as the pace of modern pfe continues to quicken, pressure seems to be on the increase all the time.而且,随着现代生活的节奏不断加快,压力似乎是在增加。

4.Let us pray for the faith of those who have graduated and may the Holy Spirit quicken them to continue to be part of His Body.让我们特别为这批信徒毕业后的灵命成长祷告,求圣灵帮助他们继续不断连于基督的身体,过美好的肢体生活。

5.After a bit of tweaking, I improved it so that I could keep track of different credit and debit categories, just pke Quicken can.略微调整之后,我将其改进,以便可以象Quicken那样跟踪不同的贷款和借款类别。

6.It was still too early to go to bed. I began to quicken my pace, heading back toward the Boulevard Raspail.这会儿去睡觉仍太早,我加快脚步折回拉斯帕伊林荫大道去。

7.The Russian soldiers were so exhausted by this unbroken march at the rate of forty versts a day that they were unable to quicken their pace.俄国军队一昼夜强行军四十俄里,被这种连续不停的行动累得人困马乏,要想再快一点点都不可能办到。

8.In waiting for that important interview, I felt my own pulse quicken and my memory become a complete blank.在等待那次重要的面试时,我感觉自己的脉搏加快,记忆一片空白。

9.Accident rescues also need new techniques to quicken the speed of coordination and action of every involved department.在海难援助方面,也需要新技术的支持以加快各部门之间的协调、反应速度。

10.When your Quicken software connects to the bank, the information gets downloaded in a structured format.当你用银行专用的软件连接到银行,信息将以一种结构化的语句下载下来。