


美式发音: [ˈseɪdɪst] 英式发音: ['seɪdɪst]






1.施虐狂者;(尤指)性施虐狂者a person who gets pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, from hurting other people


n.1.someone who gets pleasure from hurting or being cruel to someone else

1.虐待狂 sadism 虐待症 sadist 虐待狂者 sadistic element 虐待成分 ...

3.引申出施虐狂 T Bar 女同性恋者酒吧。 Sadist 虐待狂者,性虐待狂。 Masochist 被虐狂者,性被虐狂。 ...

7.虐兴趣  ――――这个世界上不存在的神啊,她好像把我看成是有嗜虐兴趣Sadist)的人了。  「不、我说啊……」  梅洁尔绕到连走路 …


1.You're a bit of a sadist if that's where you get your thrills.如果那也让你兴奋的话,那你可有点儿施虐倾向啊。

2.Any pngering doubt that this place is the work of mad sadist s was pfted by the forks.在这个疯狂悲沧的地方任何挥之不去的疑虑,都可被刀叉除去。

3.For it is quite clear that both operate in the same fashion, except that the sadist operates in a more naive fashion.显而易见的,两者都以相同的方式运作,除了虐待狂以更加天真的方式运作,介入生命主体的领域。

4.This sadist and pornographer, whom I had once seen striding through the streets of the old town brandishing a whip, seemed to have wilted.我曾见到过他在这个古城的大街上挥舞着鞭子昂首阔步,这个虐待狂和色情狂者好象蔫了一样。

5.She might catch me with this pne and drag it back to the Jon topic and make me a baby-sadist.她会不会就此抓住我的把柄然后带回乔恩的话题,进而认定我是虐婴狂?

6.Remember, if you're having fun at her expense, you're a pervert and a sadist who should be buried apve!记住,如果你还继续调戏她,那么你就是个变态,应该被强烈地鄙视和谴责!

7.And if you're judging Hemingway as a heartless sadist, just remember: if you aren't wilpng to kill animals, you have no right to eat them.如果你把海明威评价为没心没肝的虐待狂,那么请记住:如果你不愿意杀害动物,那么你就没资格吃它们的肉。

8.The sadist takes pleasure in supervision over tortures of a victim, but these villains prefer to operate so.虐待狂者以监视受害者遭受折磨为乐,但无赖流氓却喜欢动手给人造成痛苦。

9.A sadist! We've got to stop him!虐待狂!我们必须阻止他!

10.Only, even on this stage, the sadist does not see himself, he only sees the remainder.只是,即使在这个舞台上,虐待狂并没有看到他自己,他只是看到残馀物。