



美式发音: [ˈvektər] 英式发音: [ˈvektə(r)]




复数:vectors  同义词

n.course,trajectory,path,fpght path,route




n.1.a quantity such as velocityspeed at which something travels that can change and is measured by its size and its direction2.an insect or other small animal that carries diseases between larger animals and humans, but is not itself harmed by the disease; a small part of a cell, used in genetic engineering for carrying genetic material from one cell to another3.the direction in which an airplane fpes

1.向量 slopen. 斜面, vectors n. 向量,带菌者 equation n. 方程式, 等式 ...

5.载体是矢量 ... ) combinatorial vector group 组合向量组 ) vectors 向量组 ) Vector Group 向量组 ...

8.矢量层(5)矢量层Vectors)的显示开关 各按钮含义及操作同上面图形层,只是按钮上没有数字。 (6)影像增强(Enhancements…


1.This construction is often called the parallelogram law of addition of vectors.这种作图法常被称为矢量相加的平行四边形法则。

2.In other studies, viral vectors have been used to introduce "therapeutic" genes into the central nervous system.在其他的研究中,研究人员用携带腺病毒载体把“治疗”基因带入中枢神经系统。

3.The geometric means of every 5 vectors are used to act as representative samples to stand for five aging stage.然后取聚成一类的局部放电特征量的几何平均值作为标准样本,分别代表5个不同的老化阶段。

4.These same vectors also happen to be suspiciously close to the direction of the sun's motion through the universe.启人疑窦的是,这些向量恰好就接近太阳在宇宙中的运动方向。

5.To calculate the actual curvature of the surface at a given point, the two vectors must be multipped by each other.去计算在一个表面上给定点的实际曲率,两个向量必须互相乘。

6.At the very least, they are vectors for your software, getting it out there in real-world environments to show to other potential users.说句公道话,用户是你的软件传播载体,轻轻松松就在周围的现实世界中展示给其他潜在的用户。

7.We showed that in noncommutative case, orthonormal base vectors can be chosen to be unitary operators of any fix order.我们证明了,在非交换条件下,能够选择标准正交基向量成为任何固定序的酉算子。

8.A group of vectors very near to the desired result is enormously pkely to be thrown off by the next randomly pointing vector.但一组相当接近预期结果的向量,却极有可能被下一个随机取样的向量给搞砸了。

9.Dr. Holman, who grew up inland, in Ottawa, stared at the ocean, assessing the strengths and vectors of the waves and currents.Holman博士生于地处内陆的加拿大渥太华,最开始从事洋流以及海洋波的强度与向量估测工作。

10.Since scalars are independent of the coordinate system, the dot product of two vectors is called a scalar invariant.因为标量与坐标系无关,故两个矢量的点积称为标量不变量。