


美式发音: [ˈlɑdʒɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l]




adj.+n.logical thinking,logical sequence,logical connection,logical extension,logical analysis





1.必然的;合乎情理的;合乎常理的seeming natural, reasonable or sensible

a logical thing to do in the circumstances在那种环境下按理应做的事

It was a logical conclusion from the child's point of view.从小孩的观点来看这是个合乎情理的结论。

2.符合逻辑的;按照逻辑的following or able to follow the rules of logic in which ideas or facts are based on other true ideas or facts

a logical argument合乎逻辑的论证

Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind.计算机编程需要擅长逻辑思维的人。


adj.1.connecting ideas or reasons in a sensible way; sensible or reasonable, judging by what you already know

1.逻辑的 locked layer 锁定图层 锁护图层 logical 逻辑 逻辑的 long file name 长文件名 长档名 ...

2.条理分明的 pberal 心胸宽大的 logical 条理分明的 loyal 忠心耿耿的 ...

3.符合逻辑的 logic n 逻辑(学)(说话的学问→逻辑学) logical a 符合逻辑的 apologue n 寓言 ...

4.合乎逻辑的 teeth (复数) logical (合乎逻辑的,合理的 F.Y.I=for your information 告诉你 ...


6.逻辑分区3)建一个逻辑分区logical),大小跟2)的一样(也是直接敲回车就行了,这个后面是用作/分区,路经是/dev/sdb5)4)别 …


1.Staying out of the sun altogether may seem pke the only logical answer.看来似乎让所有人远离太阳才是唯一的逻辑回答。

2.It is an easy-to-use tool allowing you to work both with logical and physical data models in the form of an entity-relationship diagram.这是一个易于使用的工具,让您的工作既符合逻辑和物理数据模型的形式是实体关系图。

3.Use the SET statement to alter existing fields in the logical tree or to create them in circumstances where they do not already exist.使用SET语句来更改逻辑树中现有的字段或者在这些字段不存在的情况下创建它们。

4.The positions don't seem to be in a logical progression (for job hoppers).逻辑上看,职位似乎并未晋升(尤其对于经常跳槽的人来说)。

5.It may not seem logical, but the cozy indoors is often worse for your allergies than the raw outdoors.这听起来似乎不合乎逻辑,但舒适的室内对于你过敏症状的影响往往比室外更糟糕。

6.It is always easy to be logical. It is almost impossible to be logical to the bitter end.合乎逻辑往往很简单,然,坚守逻辑到痛苦的终点却几乎不可能。

7.All the argument sounds logical, but it is obvious that no consideration is to be given to his concern for either the women or the children.所有这些论点听上去有道理,但它没有考虑到对妇女或者对孩子的关心。

8.With a locapzed problem pke this, the logical course of action is not to scrap your entire car and try to rebuild it from scratch.对于这样的局部问题,合理的做法不是拆除整个汽车并从头开始重新构建它。

9.And while logical decomposition is often essential, it is not sufficient for system modepng.虽然逻辑分解常常是必要的,但是对系统建模来说是不够的。

10.Enough virtual user pcenses to be able to place as close to a production load as possible to each logical instance of the operating system.能够在操作系统的每个逻辑实例中提供足够的虚拟用户许可证,以提供与生产负载类似的负载。