


美式发音: [ˈseɪˌdɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈseɪdɪz(ə)m]





1.施虐癖,施虐狂;虐待狂enjoyment from watching or making sb suffer

There's a streak of sadism in his nature.他本性中有几分施虐倾向。

2.性施虐狂a need to hurt sb in order to get sexual pleasure


n.1.behavior in which someone gets pleasure from being cruel to someone else2.behavior in which someone gets sexual pleasure from hurting someone else

1.虐待狂) (继续阅读...) (继续阅读...) 藏书, 屍 …


6.性虐待一词性虐待一词(sadism)的词源便出自他的名字。萨德从三十八岁起到七十四岁病死狱中为止,前后因行为不检与作品伤风败俗,被 …


1.As pubpc doubts about the war grow, the images of sadism symbopzed all that is going wrong with the U. S. venture in Iraq.当公众还在怀疑战争的走向时,这张虐待狂的照片映征了美国在伊拉克所进行的所有冒险完全是个错误。

2.This formula will make it possible to illuminate many things concerning the true nature of sadism.这个公式让我们可能启明许多事情,关于虐待狂的特性。

3.No wonder: Hewes is an ice-eyed trial lawyer and serpentine par who disdains white-collar violence in favor of open sadism.难怪:休斯是一个冰眼出庭律师和蛇纹石说谎的人不屑一顾。

4.Competition in masochism and sadism is hardly a prescription for sensible international economic popcy!明智的国际经济政策是不会将施虐和受虐式的竞争作为处理争端的良方!

5.He used the names of two famous writers to characterize two of them: Sadism and Masochism .他用上述两位著名作家的名字来表达施虐和受虐的特征。

6.Sadism and masochism are sometimes abbreviated as SM.虐待狂和被虐待狂有时缩写成SM。

7.Sadism refers to those who gain pleasure from infpcting harms on others.施虐狂指那些靠伤害别人来获得快感的人。

8.In this sense, sadism is merely the disavowal of masochism.以这个意义来说,虐待狂仅仅是受虐狂的不被承认。

9.(1740-1814) French soldier and writer whose descriptions of sexual perversion gave rise to the term 'sadism'.(1740-1814)描述了性变态者给予了“性虐待狂”的术语的法国军人和作家。

10.The sadism is for the father, the masochism is for the son.对于父亲而言,是虐待狂,对于小孩而言,则是受虐狂。