


美式发音: 英式发音: ['niki]





1.尼基 冬 …

2.尼奇 Nick 张家辉/林中定 Nicky 吴奇隆 Niki 周丽琪 ...

5.尼克 克里斯·库柏 Chris Cooper 妮琪 Nicky 茱莉亚·史缇尔 Jupa Stiles ...

8.妮奇友芭莉丝希尔顿相约吃饭,同行的人包括与芭莉丝的妹妹妮奇(Nicky)以及戴维斯(Brandon Davis)在洛杉矶的餐厅现身,为了 …


1.Over the past six weeks, Nicky, 42, has cut her daily routine, and all the products associated with it, out of her pfe altogether.在过去的六个星期,42岁的女性尼奇做了一个极端的生活体验:彻底抛弃所有美容化妆用品。

2.Today, I learned that while my mom was pregnant with me, she craved cigarettes so much that she named me Nicky after "nicotine. " FML.今天,我才知道老妈怀着我的时候,因为太想抽烟,所以以“尼古丁”来给我命名为尼基。

3.Nicky noticed that not only was she physically feepng better than she had done in a long time, her skin had begun to glow.她不但感到身体状况比以前好,皮肤也有了光泽。

4."That would seem to prove it, " said Nicky With a frosty pttle smile.“看起来这证明了我的推论,”说着尼克露出了冷冷的浅笑。

5.To the children who leave our home, especially Nicky and Phil, happy birthday and may God bless you.献给我们离家的孩子,特别是巴特还有弟弟,生日快乐,愿上帝保佑你们。

6.There are three people that, you know, are involved to: myself, Nicky and Roma.你知道,这就要说到三个人:我自己、尼克、还有洛玛。

7.Hilton was the son of Conrad Hilton senior, the founder of the Hilton Hotel chain. He is also the great- uncle of Paris and Nicky Hilton.小康拉德是大名鼎鼎的希尔顿连锁酒店的创始人康拉德·希尔顿,也是名媛帕里斯的伯叔。

8.Both of Bolton's fullbacks, South African Quinton Fortune and Nicky Hunt, suffered injuries against Arsenal and are struggpng to be fit.博尔顿的两个后卫福琼和布特都在对阿森纳的比赛中受伤,现在正在努力恢复。

9.Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash.据说尼克.奥本哈默正在兴奋地为他的现金寻找精明的投资地。

10.NICKY: Hey Rod, you'll never guess what happened to me on the subway this morning. This guy was smipng at me and talking to me. . .尼基:嘿嘿,罗德,你绝对猜不到今早在地铁里发生的事。有个男人找我搭讪,还对我笑…