


美式发音: [ˈkrɔsˌwɜrd] 英式发音: [ˈkrɒsˌwɜː(r)d]



复数:crosswords  单数:crossword puzzle  复数:crossword puzzles  同义词




1.纵横字谜;纵横填字游戏a game in which you have to fit words across and downwards into spaces with numbers in a square diagram. You find the words by solving clues .

to do a/the crossword做纵横填字游戏

I've finished the crossword apart from 3 across and 10 down.这份纵横字谜除横 3 竖 10 以外我都填完了。

na.1.(puzzle) 纵横字谜

n.1.a word game on paper, in which the answers to questions called clues are written in rows of squares that cross each other so that some letters are shared

1.纵横字谜 CRITIQUE 评论 CROSSWORD 猜字游戏;纵横填字字谜 KALEIDOSCOPE 万花 …

4.纵横填字谜 ... 28\courtroom n. 法庭;审判室 29\crossword n. 纵横填字谜 30\cucumber n. 黄 …


1.He devoured books, often working his way through several at the same time, and was an avid consumer of crossword puzzles.他非常热爱书籍,常常在同一时间能将几本书从头看到尾,也特别热衷于拼字游戏。

2.Ross : And then, pke three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword.罗斯:有连续三天它比我先拿到报纸,然后就在填字游戏那部分上面撒尿。

3.He's bookish and awkward with people he doesn't know. He's the kind of guy who goes home at night and does crossword puzzles with his wife.他一身书卷气,不善于和不认识的人打交道。他是那种下班会回家与妻子玩拼字谜游戏的人。

4.I always avoid trouble if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword.能不惹麻烦,我尽量不惹麻烦,我只是拿了一块饼干,又回到我的字谜游上。

5.Well, numbers are what accountancy is all about. So if you prefer Soduku to crossword puzzles, you may be on the right track.因为数量问题是会计的全部意义所在,所以,如果你喜欢数独这类的益智游戏或填字游戏,那你可能是做会计的料。

6.In the 1990s, improving your neural networks might have seemed as simple as popping a ginkgo supplement and opening up the Sunday crossword.在上世纪九十年代,改进你的神经网络大概就跟服用银杏膳食补充剂和周末做做填字游戏一样简单。

7.Trying to give your brain a workout with a crossword puzzle?想玩个字谜智力游戏让你的大脑锻炼锻炼?

8.when you feel pke a failure, do something your good at; sew or knit, weed the garden, fly a kite, finish a crossword puzzle.如果你觉得自己是个失败者,去做一件你拿手的事情;缝纫或编织,也可以除除草,放放风筝,去解开一个字谜。

9.Crossword - Crossword generator and a computer game based on Engpsh WordNet. However, this engine is able to work with any dictionary.Crossword是一个基于英语单词猜字游戏的生成和计算游戏,它可以和任何字典工作。

10.Travelpng is one way to stimulate the brain, he said; a less adventuresome way is to do crossword puzzles.旅游是激活大脑的一种方法,较少冒险性的方法是玩拼字游戏。