



美式发音: [ˈɑrɡjəmənt] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)ɡjʊmənt]



复数:arguments  搭配同义词

v.+n.use argument,support argument,settle argument,accept argument,argument hold

adj.+n.strong argument,persuasive argument,same argument,serious argument,rational argument




n.1.an angry disagreement between people; a discussion or debate between people with different views, opinions, etc.2.a reason or set of reasons that you use for persuading other people to support your views, opinions, etc.

1.参数三个点加上一个关键字. 当函数被调用时,这些附加的参数(arguments)被以数组形式绑定到这个关键字.

2.引数 .Directories( 路径) .Arguments( 命令行参数) .New value 赋给新值。 ...

5.论证理性讨论所包括的一些论证(arguments)与反论证(counter arguments),以支持或驳斥某一言辞行动的真理声称。而论证则无所 …

6.实参创建实参arguments)对象,同名的实参,形参和变量之间是【引用】关系执行方法内的赋值语句,这才会对变量集中的变量 …




1.The treatment of laser noise and its effect on the laser noise spectra up to this point involved semiclassical arguments.到目前为止,都是用半径典理论处理激光噪声及其对激光频谱的影响。

2.Neither rhetoric nor dialectic is the scientific study of any one separate subject: both are faculties for providing arguments.修辞学和辩证法都不是对单独主题的科学研究;它们都是提供论述的能力。

3.A definition of a binary operator where at least one of the arguments is of the type of your class or structure.一个二元运算符的定义,其中至少一个参数是您的类或结构的类型。

4."Yes, yes, it is possible! " I said, persuaded by my uncle's strong arguments.“是的,是的,这是可能的!”我被叔叔有力的辩论说服了。

5.On the one hand the great conceptual difference between China and the EU results in the long term existence of arguments between them.一方面,巨大的观念差异使双方一些分歧长期存在,并在一定程度上制约双方关系的进一步深化。

6.The UK Treasury made some half-baked arguments this month about why small institutions can be just as risky as large ones to the system.英国财政部本月发表了一些“半吊子”论点,解释为什么小型机构对系统构成的风险可能不亚于大型机构。

7.the director wanted to hear all the arguments for and against the proposal before he made a decision.导演希望听到所有论据支持和反对他的建议,然后作出决定。

8.But it has got bogged down in legal arguments over whether the state, or local government, has the power to grant or revoke charters.但是它深陷在是否州或当地政府有权力授予或撤销特许的法律争辩中。

9.Check to see if there are at least two sentences in the document, set the Start and End arguments of the range and select the range.检查文档中是否至少包含两个句子,设置范围的Start参数和End参数,并选择范围。

10.We asked Mr. Stephens for his responses to the five main arguments most often given for going to college. Here's what he had to say.我们请斯蒂芬斯针对人们通常给出的上大学的五点理由来作出回应。以下就是他的回答。