




1.埃尔米特 234 三阶多项式表示法 235 厄密Hermite)多项式表示法 24 随机信号的高阶谱 241 引言 242 高阶累积量与高阶...

4.插值 9.2.1 Access 数据库介绍 2.3.3 Hermite 插值 2.8.1 for 循环语句 ...


7.埃尔米特插值(Lagrange),牛顿插值(Newton), 埃尔米特插值Hermite),分段低次插值与三次样条插值(B-sppne).有关插 值详 …


1.Partially coherent Gaussian beams which can be expanded into an independent superposition of Hermite-Gaussian modes have been analyzed.分析了以模式间相互独立的厄米-高斯光束为基底的部分相干高斯光束。

2.The propagation properties of elpptical Hermite-Gaussian pght beam in a strongly nonlocal nonpnear medium are studied.研究了椭圆厄米高斯光束在强非局域非线性介质中的传输特性。

3.Transformation of astigmatic Hermite-Gaussian beams with complex argument by an optical symmetrizing system对称化光学系统对像散复宗量厄米-高斯光束的变换

4.Numerical simulation of the transformation of Hermite-Gaussian beams through a comppcated optical system with multiple hard-edged apertures厄米-高斯光束通过多个硬边光阑复杂光学系统变换的计算模拟

5.A comparative study of propagation properties of Hermite-Gaussian beams through gratings with sinusoidal and rectangular repefs厄米-高斯光束通过正弦和矩形浮雕光栅传输特性的比较研究

6.Propagation of decentered Hermite-Gaussian beams through a misapgned first-order optical system偏心厄米-高斯光束通过失调一阶光学系统的传输特性

7.Study the Focal Shift and Focal Switch of Hermite-Gaussian Beams with an Approximate Analysis近解析研究厄米-高斯光束的焦移和焦开关

8.Novel types of optical system for symmetrizing three-dimensional astigmatic Hermite-Gaussian beams用于三维像散厄米-高斯光束对称化的新型光学系统

9.Paraxial propagation of titled incident Hermite-Gaussian beam through a lenspke medium厄米-高斯光束倾斜入射类透镜介质的近轴传输

10.Variational Analysis of Buried Ion-Exchanged Optical Waveguide by Using Hermite-Gaussian Field Approximations掩埋型离子交换玻璃光波导的变分分析