


美式发音: [ˌɑrməˈɡed(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɑː(r)məˈɡed(ə)n]




n.apocalypse,disaster,destruction,day of reckoning,end of the world



1.世界末日的善恶大决战a battle between good and evil at the end of the world

2.(足以毁灭世界的)大决战a terrible war that could destroy the world


na.1.a battle in the future that will destroy the world

1.世界末日 4 Lawyer,Lawyer 算死草 5 Armageddon 天地雄心 6 Firepne 十万火急 ...

6.末日决战 Vampire Vs Vampire 一眉道人 Armageddon 城市判官 Magic Cop 驱魔警察 ...



1.Investors may have thought they were acting prudently at a time when the world seemed to be racing towards monetary Armageddon.投资者或许认为,在世界似乎正在奔向货币末日战争之际,投资黄金是审慎之举。

2.But would such a sleight of hand really stand up to legal scrutiny in the aftermath of Armageddon?但这种戏法真的经得起末日审判的法律审查吗?

3.It wasn't during the Cold War: the giant red button was all that kept us from nuclear Armageddon.但肯定不是冷战时期,在那个时期,正是大大的红色按钮使我们远离了核战。

4.I found the rabbit's laughter terrifying. I felt as if Armageddon had come.我觉得这只兔子笑得好可怕,我感觉世界末日到了。

5.Despite its weakening hold over the nations, the Vatican still stands as the greatest form of human leadership, after the Armageddon.可是,梵蒂冈却依旧充当着“末日”之后最庞大的人类统治机构。

6.Mortal sins to follow Deadly grow to hear The Armageddon's call The joy of redemption Preachers of the hopness Purest sorrow bringers.致死的罪的致命成长听到世界末日的号召赎回最纯净的圣洁的悲哀使者传教士的喜悦。

7.Corporate bonds are still priced for an extremely nasty recession, but the Armageddon trade is off, for now at least.公司债仍在消化极为严重的经济衰退带来的影响,但却已走出低谷,至少目前是这样。

8.But a new economic framework based on a vision of Armageddon could turn out to be a big waste of money.但基于“世界末日论”建立新的经济架构,最终可能导致巨大的资金浪费。

9.For the idea of a confrontation, an Armageddon, a nuclear war was upon you and you knew it when you agreed to come.因为对抗、世界末日、核战争的观点加在你头上,而你明知道却同意到来。

10.The Christian Bible says there will be a final battle there between the forces of good and evil at the end of time.基督教圣经称,最后,善恶势力将在Armageddon进行最终对决。