


美式发音: [aʊtˈweɪ] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈweɪ]



第三人称单数:outweighs  现在分词:outweighing  过去式:outweighed  同义词

v.overshadow,prevail over,dwarf



1.~ sth重于;大于;超过to be greater or more important than sth

The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.利远大于弊。


v.1.to be more important, useful, or valuable than something else

1.超过 outwards 向外;往海外 outweigh 超过 outwit 以机智胜过 ...

2.胜过 verifiable 能作证的, 能证实的 outweigh 比…更重要;胜过 follower 追随者, 信徒 ...

3.比...重要 outward ad 向外,在外,表面上 outweigh v 比……重;比……重要;胜过,强过 oven n 灶,炉,炭窑,干燥 …

4.比…更重要 outspoken a. 直言的,坦率的 outweigh vt. 比…更重,比…更重要 ovation n. 热烈欢迎,欢呼 ...

5.优于 outwedging 尖灭 outweigh 重于;优于 outworker 外勤人员 ...

6.在重要性超过 ... imperial/adj. 英联邦的 outweigh vt. 在重要性(或价值上)超过 vulnerable/adj. 易受伤的; …

7.大于 ... 2.accurate adj. 精确的, 准确的 3.outweigh vt. 在重量上超过,重于,大于,超过 4.invective n. 痛骂,猛烈抨击 ...


1.How much the case of the Afghanistan documents involves doing that, and whether the risks outweigh the benefits, has yet to be seen.阿富汗战争的文件中有多少是那种情况,是否风险大于益处,这都有待于观察。

2.The advantages of communicabipty do not always outweigh the disadvantages of "knowledge leakage. "对传染性的优势并不总是大于“知识泄漏的缺点。”

3.But any export surge mightn't be big enough -- or at least come quickly enough -- to outweigh the potential downsides of a weaker currency.但对于抵消美元走软的负面影响来说,出口的增长可能不够大,或至少是不够快。

4.Similarly, inhibitor injection seems to be feasible but, again, the economic and environmental costs outweigh the production results.与此类似,阻化剂方法的可行性似乎较高,但是相关的经济和环境成本也超出了相应天然气产量的价值。

5.They add that the benefits of a strong cup of chon coffee outweigh the unsavoury aspects of it passing through an animal's bowels.他补充说一杯浓厚的chon咖啡的价值要高于穿过一只动物的肠胃所带来的负面影响。

6.But America's environmental concerns seem to outweigh China's at the moment. And Old Li, for one, is eager to help.但此刻美国的环境问题似乎超过了中国的环境问题,就拿老李来说,他便急于助美国一臂之力。

7.In North Wolfen, a collection of prefab apartment buildings put up in the 1960s, the losses seem to outweigh the gains.在沃尔芬北部,对于一批建造于20世纪60年代的预制板活动房公寓,似乎失大于得。

8.However, in his mind, those concerns do not outweigh the impact of the torture on the animals used for cosmetics testing.然而,在他的观点中,这些都比不上化妆品实验中对动物的折磨更重要。

9.Mr Ariely explains that the pressure of the potential gain seems to outweigh the motivating force of the reward.Ariely先生还认为,追求潜在收益的压力超过当初追求报酬的动机。

10.The risk of a double-dip recession continues to far outweigh that of wild inflation.面临双底衰退(经济再次衰退跌低)风险的可能性仍然远大于恶性通货膨胀。