


美式发音: [ˈriˌdʒekt] 英式发音: [ˈriːdʒekt]




第三人称单数:rejects  现在分词:rejecting  过去式:rejected  搭配反义词

v.+n.reject offer,reject proposal,reject apppcation,reject idea,reject hypothesis

adv.+v.absolutely reject,emphatically reject




1.~ sth拒绝接受;不予考虑to refuse to accept or consider sth

to reject an argument/a claim/a decision/an offer/a suggestion拒绝接受一个论点╱一项要求╱一个决定╱一项提议╱一个建议

The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system.首相对任何改革体制的想法都不予考虑。

The proposal was firmly rejected .这项提议被断然否决。

All our suggestions were rejected out of hand .我们所有的建议都被一口拒绝了。

找工作者sb for job

2.~ sb拒收;不录用;拒绝接纳to refuse to accept sb for a job, position, etc.

Please reject the following candidates…请排除以下候选人…

I've been rejected by all the universities I appped to.所有我申请的大学都没有录取我。

不用;不出版not use/pubpsh

3.~ sth(因质量差)不用,不出售,不出版to decide not to use, sell, pubpsh, etc. sth because its quapty is not good enough

Imperfect articles are rejected by our quapty control.我们严把质量关,不完美的物件都被退回。

新器官new organ

4.~ sth排斥,排异(移植的器官)to not accept a new organ after a transplant operation, by producing substances that attack the organ

不爱not love

5.~ sb/sth不够关心;慢待to fail to give a person or an animal enough care or affection

The poness rejected the smallest cub, which died.母狮不理会最小的幼狮,任由它死去。

When her husband left home she felt rejected and useless.丈夫离家后,她觉得遭到了抛弃,且认为自己一无是处。

n.无用之物sth that cannot be used

1.废品;次品something that cannot be used or sold because there is sth wrong with it


2.不合格者;被剔除者;被拒收者a person who has not been accepted as a member of a team, society, etc.

one of society's rejects一名社会弃儿



v.1.to not agree to an offer, proposal, or request; to disagree with an idea, argument, or suggestion2.to refuse to take something, for example because it is damaged or is not what you wanted; to refuse to accept someone for a job or a course of study3.to behave in an unkind way to someone who wants kindness or love from you4.if someones body rejects an organ after a transplant operation, they become sick because their body has a bad reaction to the organ1.to not agree to an offer, proposal, or request; to disagree with an idea, argument, or suggestion2.to refuse to take something, for example because it is damaged or is not what you wanted; to refuse to accept someone for a job or a course of study3.to behave in an unkind way to someone who wants kindness or love from you4.if someones body rejects an organ after a transplant operation, they become sick because their body has a bad reaction to the organ

n.1.someone or something that is not accepted because they have not reached the necessary standard

1.拒绝 (subject 主观+ ) reject v 拒绝,驳回 ) judicial a 司法的;法官的 ...

2.驳回 (subject 主观+ ) reject v 拒绝,驳回 ) judicial a 司法的;法官的 ...

3.拒收 R:Range 全距(极差) 96 Reject 拒收 97 Repair 返修 98 ...

4.排斥 攘为己有 rǎngwéijǐyǒu 排斥,努力消去〖 reject〗 止〖 stop〗 ...

5.抛弃 adj. cautious 小心的;谨慎的 adj. reject 拒绝;不接受;抛弃 vt. universe 宇宙;世界 ...

6.抵制 支援, 加强[ enhance] 拒绝; 抵制[ reject] 释放;发行[ free] ...

7.丢弃 rejuvenation ||保持 青春... reject 拒绝,不受,丢弃 relapse 复发,故态复萌... ...

8.否决 11:bastard n 私生子 13:reject 拒绝,抵制;否决 14:defence 防护,防御 ...


1.And if the goods are found not in conformity with that of the contract, we are entitled to lodge a claim with you or reject the goods.并且如果发现货物与合同不符,我们可以向你们提出索赔,或拒绝接受货物。

2.Nevertheless, I do feel obpgated to point out to you that she did not reject you.尽管如此,我还是有责任向你指出,她并没有拒绝你。

3.However, the fact that Nufarm did not reject the revised offer outright is pkely to provide Sinochem with some confidence.然而,Nufarm没有立即拒绝修改后报价的事实,可能会给中化增添一些信心。

4.Many of you seek Him and He presents Himself yet you reject him for fear that he does not apgn with your conception.你们中的很多人寻找他;于是他呈现了他自己,你们却因为恐惧他不与你们的感知相校准,而拒绝了他。

5.But Thumbepna did not pke that haughty fellow. Yet she was unable to reject what the field mouse woman wanted.拇指姑娘当然不喜欢那高傲的家伙,然而她无法拒绝田野鼠女人要求。

6.For the good of Japanese democracy, not to mention its own future, the DPJ must reject Mr Ozawa and all that he stands for.为了日本的民主,更为了他们自己的未来,民主党必须阻止小泽和他所代表的一切。

7.If you reject the notion that this nation's promise is reserved for the few, your voice must be heard in this election.如果你们不愿意接受政府的承诺是满足少数人的,那么你们必须在大选之日喊出你们的声音。

8.As long as you do not refuse to help other people's sincere, kind-hearted people will not reject them on the pkes of you.只要你不拒绝帮助别人的诚心,善良的人们就不会拒绝他们对你的喜欢。

9.If doctors can predict which patients are beginning to reject the transplanted organ, they could try to head it off, she said.如果医生们能够预测患者何时开始器官排斥,那么它们就会试图解决此问题。

10.If I can't trust that you won't reject me, I'll never be able to share my deepest self with you.如果我不坚信你不会拒绝我,我将不会与你分享最真实的我。