



美式发音: [kliv] 英式发音: [kliːv]

v.劈开;砍开;剁开;迅速穿过;死守着;坚持;依恋 紧密结合;黏住


过去式:cleaved  过去分词:clove  现在分词:cleft cleaved  同义词反义词





1.[t]~ sth劈开;砍开;剁开to split or cut sth in two using sth sharp and heavy

She cleaved his skull (in two) with an axe.她用斧头把他的颅骨劈成两半。

His skin was cleft with deep lines.他的皮肤布满深深的皱纹。

2.[i][t]迅速穿过;迅速穿越to move quickly through sth

a ship cleaving through the water破浪前进的船

The huge boat cleaved the darkness.那艘巨轮在黑暗中破浪前行。

3.[i]~ to sth/sb紧贴;紧挨to stick close to sth/sb

Her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth.她的舌头紧紧地贴着上腭。

4.[i]~ to sth坚信;信守;忠于to continue to believe in or be loyal to sth

to cleave to a belief/idea坚守信仰╱信念

v.1.死守着,坚守;坚持;依恋 (to) 紧密结合 (together)2.〈古〉黏着,黏住 (to)3.劈,劈开4.(船)破(浪)前进;开(路)5.把...分成若干小部分6.(木头等顺着纹路)被劈开,裂开7.(船等)破浪前进;(鸟等)掠过空中1.死守着,坚守;坚持;依恋 (to) 紧密结合 (together)2.〈古〉黏着,黏住 (to)3.劈,劈开4.(船)破(浪)前进;开(路)5.把...分成若干小部分6.(木头等顺着纹路)被劈开,裂开7.(船等)破浪前进;(鸟等)掠过空中

v.1.to cut or break something into two parts with a lot of force

1.劈形合 图4.2是直接耦合的两种方式,直接耦合可以使用劈形cleaved)光纤或者锥形(tapered)光纤 来实现。

2.裂的注释 ) Sire n. 阁下,陛下 ) cleaved a. 裂的注释 ) poplar n. 白杨 ...

3.卵裂数 ... 供体细胞 Donor cell 卵裂数Cleaved ) 桑椹胚( Morula ) ...

4.劈开的 cleaved stone 劈开的钻石,劈开的宝石 cleaved 劈开的 cleaver 劈工 ...

造句带翻译释义:,劈开,砍开,剁开,迅速穿过,死守着,坚持,依恋 紧密结合,黏住,劈形,裂的注释,卵裂数

1.He looked like an executioner had cleaved his head.他看上去就像是被刽子手砍了头。

2.The surface energy of mica cleaved in vacuum is about ten times that of mica cleaved in air.的表面能比在空气中剖开的云母的表面能大十倍左右。

3.The resultant ionized bond can be cleaved by a hemi-heterolysis process, affording a cation and a neutral radical.生成的离子化键能由半异裂的过程而开裂,提供一个正离子和一个中性的游离基。

4.The sky, the smell of lake water, the sound of Ron's voice were extinguished: Pain cleaved Harry's head like a sword stroke.天空、湖水的气味和罗恩的说话声突然消失了,疼痛像剑一般刺进哈利的脑袋。

5.Proteasomal in vitro digests have revealed that the various peptide bonds of a given substrate are cleaved in a highly selective manner.蛋白酶体在体外消化人士透露,各个多肽债券某一切割基板是在一个高度选择性的方式。

6.demonstrates the translocation typical for a Burkitt type (small non-cleaved) lymphoma.显示Burkitt型(小无裂细胞型)淋巴瘤典型的异位。

7.That stubborn man always cleaved to his own ideas .那个固执的人总不愿改变自己的观点。

8.The two policemen cleaved through the crowd and came to the scene of the accident.这两名警察穿过人群来到发生事故的现场。

9.The first exon codes for a signal sequence ( cleaved from the protein during membrane passage).第一段外显子编码信号序列(在跨膜过程中被切除)。

10.all of cleaved products are close to half-sized DNA fragments in a linear form.而且切割产物均为接近原质粒大小一半的DNA线性片段。